Jan 23, 2020


Obviously, I was beyond ecstatic
yesterday for having seen the
bobcat in my yard. This has been
only one of the phenomenal gifts
from the Universe joyfully received.

Most fun . . . the odd bear or two,
stopping by to knock over the trash
cans, scoping out the yard and
entertaining us with amusing antics.

I remember coming home one a.m.
and finding about 90 elk in the yard.
A friend and I stood at the edge and
watched them for a couple of hours.
Once tired, we confidently walked up
the path. In front of the door was a
thousand pound lady sacked out
in all her glory. i simply slapped her
on the butt and said, "Come on mama,
we need to get into the cabin." She
struggled to her feet and ambled off.
I must have been out of my mind! She
could have killed us with a sneeze!
The gods must just shake their heads . . .

My guy put up a couple of bird feeders;
we get to watch all kinds of beauties
year 'round. There are two different
kinds of squirrels that much enjoy
invading them. Annoys the hell out of
me, but they are cute little buggers!

One of my faves . . . we had a wild
turkey gobbler that loved sitting on the
pickup; probably enjoyed the leftover
warmth of the engine. He'd hop down
and strut about the place, gobbling
all the while. We watched him calmly
crossing the road to the creek. Some
driver in a mighty hurry hit him. We
were trying to gather up the courage
to grab him, when he slowly recouped
and sauntered off. We just stood there
and clapped!

wow what a lady
mama nature rocks my world
ever so grateful

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