Jan 5, 2020


I'm tatted #1! I'm tatted #2!!
I must admit, this is the first time
ever that I've gotten two at once!
My tattoo artist found this stunning
tiger, which I just had to have on my
left shoulder. And, I found a lynx for
my right shoulder with which I'm
totally enamored.

I find aging to be such an interesting
experience. If one can look past the
wrinkled skin, the ups and downs to
the jane at night, the forgetfulness,
the weight gain . . . it is absolutely
liberating . . . and, hence the tats!!

I have to wonder if the tats aren't
actually an invitation, an invite to
open new doors to other delightful
experiences. We spend our younger
years doing the right things, being
good examples for the children, and
coping to the best of our abilities.

One of the gifts of aging, is that tacit
permission to be oneself, to have a
bit of fun without worrying so much.
I'm not talking about breaking the
law or putting anyone in danger . . .
I'm thinking more along the lines of
dressing down, going to bed early,
watching movies until dawn, eating
ice cream for breakfast . . . and
getting tats. Happy aging . . . enjoy
your tats; I certainly love mine!

yay lets be naughty
how old did we say i am
fun and joy await

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