Jan 5, 2020


I'm off to see the wizard . . .
that wondrous wizard, I mean
tattoo artist . . . Archie! I'm so
excited! I sent him several pics
of wild cats; I wonder which
one I'll come home with?! I can
hardly wait until I have all nine.
I find it so interesting how we
can see magick in almost any-
thing around us. For example,
as I want nine feline tats . . .
and they each have nine lives,
multiplying up to 81 . . . me
thinks, "Hey, i'd like to live
that long!" Silly gal!

At the end of the day, it means
naught whether it's a symbol
like a Main Coon Cat, magick,
reality, or happen stance . . .
anything that gives us courage
in this treacherous world is
priceless. Here's to Cats R Us . . .

needs me some magick
seems most anything will do
always cats for me

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