Jan 12, 2020


Happy! Happy!

We all wish to be happy, of course!
It's everywhere! One can read about
it in the mags, on Facebook, in the
advice columns, books galore, well-
meaning friends . . .

Yes, we all want to be happy!

Some of the advice is to be with the
one who makes you happy. Others
insist that you need to be in charge
of your own happiness. Adverts counsel . . .
Buy! Buy! Buy! And the gurus of the day
insist that it cannot be bought. And yet,
some tell us that none of our own ideas
about happiness are true, nor really apply.
Not to forget our beautiful Mother Teresa
assures us that it's achieved in serving.

Bottom line . . . I an't help but wonder
if the truth of the matter is more about
just getting on with life to the best of our
abilities and happiness will simply present
itself from time to time. Isn't it possible
that we become so obsessed with 'happy'
that all else of importance is obscured?!

My own thoughts boil down to this . . .
Live life as wondrously as possible and
that eight-second orgasmic moment of
happiness will present itself when it's
damn good and ready! Obsession with
seeking it, is its own destruction.

come make me happy
or is turn about fair play
needs me some wisdom

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