Jan 2, 2020


This feeling is amazing . . . that
miraculous feeling of standing on
the precipice of an entire new year
overflowing with possibilities. Where
do I go from here? What choices will
I make? Will I be learning new things?
Will I conquer all?

Perhaps the most important things to
remember . . . 1) I am not in control
of everything; I cannot mastermind
others, fate, the universe. 2) I am
indeed in control of ME, my life, my

From the tiniest decisions . . . Will I go
to town today? to the larger ones . . .
Shall I go back to school? to the
absolutely immense ones . . . Is it time
to leave this relationship? Shall I go on
existing or shall I begin living?

I've always tended to look at the whole.
This entire new year that lies ahead of
me. But, I'm beginning to see the sense
of the ONE DAY AT A TIME philosophy.

When I awake each day, I should give
some thought to said day. Choose how
I wish to spend it. Make certain I am
living the day and not just existing. At
the end of the day, be thankful and know
that there is a new day on the morrow
in which to fall in love with life once
again. A new day in which to make our
own choices; strive to make it count.

Here's to making 2020 all that I want
it to be by enjoying one day at a time!

love me a new year
new pages in which to write
give me pen and ink

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