Jan 14, 2020


Last evening, a couple of men
dropped by for a card reading.
They kindly brought me a bottle
of rosé wine. I had to chuckle
because I'm a 'red only' gal, but
it reminded me of my mother as
she was all things PINK!

She enjoyed the color so strongly
that once widowed, she decorated
her entire home in pink . . . and
I mean entire!!! She loved pink
roses, pink clothing, pink drinks,
and of course, pink wine . . . or
should I say, rosé.

I would like to say, I have never
known anyone who loved a
single color so intensely, and
then I remember that I'm an all
black person with the odd bit of
green accent.

Let's raise our glasses of rosé . . .
a toast to pink . . . just color me

love me some rainbow
red orange yellow green blue
no pink anywhere

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