Jan 13, 2020


I was so blest to have people over
last afternoon. Five teachers from
my previous life came to visit. I so
loved seeing them once again and
hearing their stories. There were
moments when I found myself close
to tears with the longing I had to
still be teaching . . . but, I'm good.
I recognize that there is a time and
this time is my time to enjoy my last
years in my cabin with my man.
Still, nothing pleases me more than
when old friends come by.

Friendship is, of course, a blessing
beyond measure. It is a gift we all
can give and this is important to
remember. It matters to me to be
friends with my children and family.
Family is important, a tie that binds,
to be sure. Still, friendship, although
not blood, is the cement that unites

Perhaps it's a common thing for elders
to become a tad mushy in our old age.
But, why wait until Valentine's Day to
remember how glorious it is to have
each other in our lives . . .

blood the tie that binds
sharing is a life worthwhile
gift from the mother

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