Jan 25, 2020


I celebrated the new moon at
o'dark thirty this morning . . .
So many thoughts running through
my head as I chose not to sleep
whilst awaiting its unveiling. I do
know that the new moon is symbolic
for many and yet others only love
it when it's full.

For me, the new moon symbolizes
new beginnings. Every single month
I witness the tiny lunar slice we are
gifted and watch it grow day by day.
The analogy is perfect, if you will.

Over and over, life offers us new
beginnings . . . the new day, the new
week, the new month, the new year.
Perhaps, the gift itself is embodied
in the word 'new'. Still, 'new' is a
saving grace for me. Whether it be
day, week, month or year that I
mess up, I always know I have the
gift of 'new' soon to come.

Sooooo, the new moon is my 'new'!
Today brings my sojourn into the
weeks wending their way to the full
moon. I have this time to make good
on the promises I have made to
myself lo this sleepless night. May
I have what it takes . . .

pray do you see me
lunar lady shine on me
so need your blessing

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