Jan 31, 2020

01/31/2020 - February Kickoff

Anticipation . . .

There's that word again. I have
much enjoyed the new beginnings,
the new year, the new month . . .
but I would have to admit, I'm
looking forward to that time in which
we will honor love and friendship.

I do know that Valentine's Day
traditionally belongs to couples. Still . . .
I choose to celebrate friendship and
all that entails the entire month of
February. Fair warning: the next 29
days, I will be honoring you . . .
my friends. I can hardly wait . . .

amour devotion
fond affection like and love
friendship at its best

Jan 30, 2020


Although I rather felt nigh unto death
a few days ago, I found myself longing
for something of comfort. Turning the
thought around in my head, several
words came to mind . . . comfort food,
loveys, security blankets . . . Where
the hell did these come from? I had to
chuckle; they were from the days of
my own babies.

I felt another chuckle coming on, or
should I say grimace, when I got to
thinking about how these very things
bleed into our adulthood. They may
be called by different names, but they
are there; make no mistake.

Nothing like a few scoops of ice cream
to make me feel better when I feel the
blues coming on! I love a fleecy blanket
when I'm sick; it cuddles like a mother,
after all! Isn't that why we like hot soup
when we have a cold? "Please, read me
a story, Daddy, please please!" Can't
you just hear yourself saying that in
your memory of years?!

Not sure I found any great answers,
but I rather like having sussed this out
a bit. Next time I feel sick, I'm going
straight for the blanket and sure hope
my lover is up for telling me tales out
of school!

not feeling so hot
can i sit on your lap please
missing my daddy

Jan 29, 2020


I find myself dreaming . . .

It may have something to do
with having been ill the past
few days. When able to fall
asleep, I've dreamt only of
loved ones gone . . . my bro,
my grandmother, my father.
Frankly, it makes all these
dreams more than a tad scary.

Does this mean I'm soon to
join them? Or perhaps, that
I fear so. Maybe it only means
I've been missing them or that
for some reason, they have been
 on my mind.

One way or another, I've much
enjoyed seeing them, chatting
for a while, catching up . . . but,
if it's all the same to the Universe,
I'd rather not join them properly
for yet another bit . . .

why fear the future
alternative universe
tis trembling i wait

Jan 28, 2020


Hope for the day . . .
I was awarded half a night's
sleep. Although weak, I feel
like I might just live. No snow
in the forecast; supposed to be
sunny today. A girlfriend is
coming over. Quoting Robert
Browning . . . "God's in his
heaven; all's right with the
world." Yayyyyy

a small kind of death
reminding me life is good
whats the fuss all about

Jan 27, 2020


It takes an all nighter being sick
as hell to make you apppreciathe
your usual fairly good health!

Me thinks perhaps 'tis a gift from
'aging'! I long to feel good again,
enjoy the moments given me and
laugh with joy at all of Mother
Nature's antics

Lord willing and the Devil doesn't
intervene, I'll be on the mend on
the morrow . . .  Here's hoping I
can come out of this with a tad
more wisdom about ANYTHING!!!

send me a healer
dancing as fast as i can
so not good enough

Jan 26, 2020


I well recall saying something
along the lines of, "When I get
old, I am so NOT going to go
visit the family and fall asleep
on the couch!" Well, guess I got
that one wrong. Last night we
enjoyed the kids, all ate pizza
together and the next thing I
know, my guy and I are both
asleep on the couch. One of the
kids woke us up and asked if we
wanted to blow up the mattress
and we could have the living
room floor . . . and if not, we'd
better get going because traffic
would be a problem. I am soooo
embarrassed! God, this aging
thing is a test of character, a wake
up call, (no pun intended). Damn
it all to hell anyway! So NOT the
old gal I had intended to turn into
in my old age!

so brought to my knees
yikes humility ahoy
am not loving this

Jan 25, 2020


I celebrated the new moon at
o'dark thirty this morning . . .
So many thoughts running through
my head as I chose not to sleep
whilst awaiting its unveiling. I do
know that the new moon is symbolic
for many and yet others only love
it when it's full.

For me, the new moon symbolizes
new beginnings. Every single month
I witness the tiny lunar slice we are
gifted and watch it grow day by day.
The analogy is perfect, if you will.

Over and over, life offers us new
beginnings . . . the new day, the new
week, the new month, the new year.
Perhaps, the gift itself is embodied
in the word 'new'. Still, 'new' is a
saving grace for me. Whether it be
day, week, month or year that I
mess up, I always know I have the
gift of 'new' soon to come.

Sooooo, the new moon is my 'new'!
Today brings my sojourn into the
weeks wending their way to the full
moon. I have this time to make good
on the promises I have made to
myself lo this sleepless night. May
I have what it takes . . .

pray do you see me
lunar lady shine on me
so need your blessing

Jan 24, 2020


Yay, our boy ZAK is home from
the Navy for a visit. It's been
three years! Lovely to see him
and catch up! The men reminisced
a bit as Russ had been a Marine.
This got me to thinking, and you
may be in for a diatribe . . .

No, I hadn't really thought about it
per se, but our family is actually a
military one. Hell, my own grandsons,
Alfil is a Marine and Nico is Army. Our
nephew Jacob and his wife Kyla are
currently in the Army as well. Add in Ryan
and Shaun; me thinks Army is winning.

My first cousins Michael, Gene, Ray
and Mike served in the Army. Going
back even further, my father Chester,
his brother Mervin and bro-in-law Homer
served in WWII. Their younger brother
Stanley, served in Korea. My grandfathers
Samuel and Delton served in the Army in

I do realize it's neither Memorial Day nor
Veteran's Day . . . not even 4th of July.
I'm going to blame ZAK for sparking this
line of thought. And, not sure I should
confess, but I was fined and suspended
for bra-burning in college; we gals had
Viet Nam issues. Still, I honor my family
who served!

many opinions
diplomatic dilemmas
honor family

Jan 23, 2020


Obviously, I was beyond ecstatic
yesterday for having seen the
bobcat in my yard. This has been
only one of the phenomenal gifts
from the Universe joyfully received.

Most fun . . . the odd bear or two,
stopping by to knock over the trash
cans, scoping out the yard and
entertaining us with amusing antics.

I remember coming home one a.m.
and finding about 90 elk in the yard.
A friend and I stood at the edge and
watched them for a couple of hours.
Once tired, we confidently walked up
the path. In front of the door was a
thousand pound lady sacked out
in all her glory. i simply slapped her
on the butt and said, "Come on mama,
we need to get into the cabin." She
struggled to her feet and ambled off.
I must have been out of my mind! She
could have killed us with a sneeze!
The gods must just shake their heads . . .

My guy put up a couple of bird feeders;
we get to watch all kinds of beauties
year 'round. There are two different
kinds of squirrels that much enjoy
invading them. Annoys the hell out of
me, but they are cute little buggers!

One of my faves . . . we had a wild
turkey gobbler that loved sitting on the
pickup; probably enjoyed the leftover
warmth of the engine. He'd hop down
and strut about the place, gobbling
all the while. We watched him calmly
crossing the road to the creek. Some
driver in a mighty hurry hit him. We
were trying to gather up the courage
to grab him, when he slowly recouped
and sauntered off. We just stood there
and clapped!

wow what a lady
mama nature rocks my world
ever so grateful

Jan 22, 2020


Color me ecstatic, joyful,
orgasmic, beyond thrilled!

Knowing how I LOVE cats,
especially in the wild, and
even have 8 different tats
of them . . . you can only
imagine how over the top
I feel that we had a bobcat
last night. Gynormous!

He sauntered in from the
pickups, the entire path and
up to the door . . . and alas,
beyond. Still, 'twas a long
way and made our viewing
perfect. I feel so blest!

What is it about experiencing
our totem animals that make
us feel so close to the divine?!
I feel as if God descended,
kissed me on the cheek, and
said, "See child, I haven't
forgotten you . . . "

loving me felines
thinking they all belong to me
center of my soul

Jan 21, 2020

01/21/2020 - Doug Abshire

Life is such a tenuous thing. Alas,
I find we are losing more friends
and family along with this whole
aging trip.

We've just lost one of my dear,
dear friends and colleges; yet
the thing that comforts most is
that he was living rather than
existing! So many of us simply
muddle through, rather than
running for the prize of actually
living and experiencing life each
and every single day.

We could all learn from my guy
who traveled, taught abroad,
photographed and told tales
out of school for those of us who
couldn't. Still, living exacts a price,
but so does existing. Me thinks
'tis far better to pay the toll for
the former rather than the latter.

Who knows what lies beyond;
still, I pray Doug rivals God in his
continued search for adventure!
So long dear heart. You shall be
sorely missed!

death barc approaching
pray refuse to pay the toll
miss you already

Jan 20, 2020

01/20/2020 - Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Faith is taking the first step even when
you can't see the whole staircase.
~Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

King truly led the way to change with
insistent voice we needed to hear.
He spoke out when it wasn't popular to
do so. He lived the life he advocated.

Some of us were fortunate enough to
have grown up knowing him, hearing
him. Others have only heard the stories.
But, this man truly made a difference.

His courage inspired us to change . . .
to change ourselves, to change the way
we thought, to stand up, to make a
difference. Those of us whose lives he
touched, are better for having known
him, for having heard his words. Now,
to heed those words . . .

How I love this man; I kneel at this feet!

embodied courage
ever lived the words he spoke
salute my hero

Jan 19, 2020


Visited my tat man yesterday. It's
always something I look forward to;
color me crazy. But, I always come
back decorated. Christmas tree ahoy!

He was dressed all in black a la Johnny
Cast, with the requisite suspenders. A
black felt hat adored his head. Pushed
back, it showed off his fab red hair and
do. My fave was an olde time pocket
watch, gold chain gracing his chest.
Truly phenomenal! Post tat, he and his
gal were off to a costume party. Me
thinks they were in for some serious fun!

Albeit my sojourn in pain, yesterday's
tat was the hardest. I just had to have
one on the chest, didn't I?! In fact, I
had planned on having two and yet,
couldn't even do the color on the white
tiger . . . next time! Me thinks my tat
artist and my dentist need to get together
and invent some sort of local pain meds
They'd become millionaires over night!

All jest aside, I'm loving the tats and
Archie simply R O C K S !!!

loving me some tats
so enjoy my caveman spree
color me enticed

Jan 18, 2020


Blast from the past . . .

'Tis rather lovely running into
people known from another era
in life. Albeit joy at the encounter;
there is also curiosity.

"How have you been? What are you
up to these days? What does your
life look like since I last saw you?
It is sooooo great to see you . . .
Here's what I've been doing."

Obviously, life doesn't provide the
parameters to stay in touch with
everyone we've known throughout
our lives. Maybe, that's why God
invented x-mas cards. Still, people
come into and drift out of our lives.

Perhaps, what needs remembering
is gratitude for having known them,
having enjoyed them whilst available
to us, the things learned from them
during our sojourn together and the
joy at reconnecting.

People, friends, acquaintances . . .
all wondrous gifts from the gods.
Appreciate them!

so love knowing you
a gift from the universe
tis grateful i am

Jan 17, 2020


Excitement running high . . .

Today's the day! So excited that
we get to go to my son's opening.
Can hardly wait. Wow!

On the morrow, a couple of new
tats; pain awaits! Still, it's enticing
to think about, plan and execute.
No pun intended!

Family time; a weekend with our
daughter and her family up North.
Always so good to see them. Another
daughter-in-law has a graduation
this weekend, earning her stripes,
as it were.

I'm just about to burst with pride and
anticipation. Hope I don't die of a
heart attack . . . spirits running high!

a heart full of love
anticipation bursting
ever so grateful

Jan 16, 2020


I've always taken a couple of
weeks and/or months off from
imbibing each year, but never
a Dry January. It's actually fun
to watch me not having any
issue with it, not needing the
odd glass of wine and not
bothered by others doing so.
Obviously, the day it does, I'm
in serious frijoles, as it were.

I have to laugh at myself as
I seem to be eating more ice
cream, larger portions, more
fun foods. What is it about our
human natures that makes us
want to have our treats, what
ever they may be?!

Perhaps, it starts with potty
training, Pavlov's dogs, as it
were! Our moms gave us treats
when successful, along with
those rewards for a good report
card and our various graduations.
We all grew up with the reward
system; make no mistake.

I have indeed enjoyed January
thus far. Had thought I might
even lose the odd pound or two,
but what with eating a pint of ice
cream in front of the fire yesterday,
I'd say chances are slim to none . . .
pun unintended!

Still, I can't help but wonder with
has more calories, ice cream or wine?!

loving me some fun
being naughty rocks my world
a menu of bad

Jan 15, 2020


Treasures ahoy . . .

We all have them, albeit some
people refer to them as junk,
stuff, things, trash. Mine are
treasures; make no mistake.

These things that are dear to
our hearts, and ever so hard
to get rid of, have a variety of
meanings. Some come from
those much loved in our lives.
Others are reminders of fun
vacations, and still others are
much needed drops in the
ocean of our emotions.

Finding myself in my latter
years, I am somewhat ready to
share mine. I say, 'somewhat'
because it's far harder than I
ever imagined. I watch for the
right person with whom to share
my treasures. I share with love
and am happy to do so. And then
at times, my heart longs for them.
Some, I actually want back. No,
I wouldn't ask, but it's tempting.

I'm curious to know why?! I have
them in my heart and in my
memories. Perhaps, the actual
treasure helps hold the memory
that much closer. As we age, and
memories become less clear, it
seems that these reminders are
ever more dear to us. In fact,
sometimes the memory fades and
we only hold onto the memento.
We hold the treasure dear, not
certain exactly why, but know
it meant something wondrous.

I pray, as I approach the pearly
gates, that people rather than
treasures, are what I hold most

you so dear to me
more than life and death itself
need no reminders

Jan 14, 2020


Last evening, a couple of men
dropped by for a card reading.
They kindly brought me a bottle
of rosé wine. I had to chuckle
because I'm a 'red only' gal, but
it reminded me of my mother as
she was all things PINK!

She enjoyed the color so strongly
that once widowed, she decorated
her entire home in pink . . . and
I mean entire!!! She loved pink
roses, pink clothing, pink drinks,
and of course, pink wine . . . or
should I say, rosé.

I would like to say, I have never
known anyone who loved a
single color so intensely, and
then I remember that I'm an all
black person with the odd bit of
green accent.

Let's raise our glasses of rosé . . .
a toast to pink . . . just color me

love me some rainbow
red orange yellow green blue
no pink anywhere

Jan 13, 2020


I was so blest to have people over
last afternoon. Five teachers from
my previous life came to visit. I so
loved seeing them once again and
hearing their stories. There were
moments when I found myself close
to tears with the longing I had to
still be teaching . . . but, I'm good.
I recognize that there is a time and
this time is my time to enjoy my last
years in my cabin with my man.
Still, nothing pleases me more than
when old friends come by.

Friendship is, of course, a blessing
beyond measure. It is a gift we all
can give and this is important to
remember. It matters to me to be
friends with my children and family.
Family is important, a tie that binds,
to be sure. Still, friendship, although
not blood, is the cement that unites

Perhaps it's a common thing for elders
to become a tad mushy in our old age.
But, why wait until Valentine's Day to
remember how glorious it is to have
each other in our lives . . .

blood the tie that binds
sharing is a life worthwhile
gift from the mother

Jan 12, 2020


Happy! Happy!

We all wish to be happy, of course!
It's everywhere! One can read about
it in the mags, on Facebook, in the
advice columns, books galore, well-
meaning friends . . .

Yes, we all want to be happy!

Some of the advice is to be with the
one who makes you happy. Others
insist that you need to be in charge
of your own happiness. Adverts counsel . . .
Buy! Buy! Buy! And the gurus of the day
insist that it cannot be bought. And yet,
some tell us that none of our own ideas
about happiness are true, nor really apply.
Not to forget our beautiful Mother Teresa
assures us that it's achieved in serving.

Bottom line . . . I an't help but wonder
if the truth of the matter is more about
just getting on with life to the best of our
abilities and happiness will simply present
itself from time to time. Isn't it possible
that we become so obsessed with 'happy'
that all else of importance is obscured?!

My own thoughts boil down to this . . .
Live life as wondrously as possible and
that eight-second orgasmic moment of
happiness will present itself when it's
damn good and ready! Obsession with
seeking it, is its own destruction.

come make me happy
or is turn about fair play
needs me some wisdom

Jan 11, 2020


Me thinks fun is reinvented once
one retires. I've had my share of
fun throughout the different eras
of my life, but none of it compares
to fun after 70.

Waking up at 3:30 in the morning
and watching old westerns with my
guy is sure more fun than getting
ready to drive down the hill to go
to work! Breakfast in bed, at any
hour of the day, is delicious . . .
delectable and can lead to a perfect
day ahead. Hopping in the car with
no particular plan in mind, just to
see what the day will bring is an
entirely different kind of adventure;
when the travel trailer is hooked up,
there's no telling what kids of bad
we can get up to.

Just pray y'all live long enough to
know what I'm talking about.

are you up for it
a different kind of life
come along with me

Jan 10, 2020


Love me some mail! I'm a fan!

There are so many different
kinds. I remember in Mexico
that telegrams were a prime
choice. Ever so fun to get them.

I'm particularly enamored with
post cards as those of you who
get my x-mas cards remember.
My grandmothers shared with me
that post cards were the most popular
during WWII. They were just plain
cards, no pics and were often written
in pencil. Both of them remarked on
how often the lettering was small so
as to share more information.

My prima hermana chooses to send
cards rather than gifts. She peruses
cards by the hour, taking great care
in her choices. It really matters to
her to make the card match both the
event and the person she's sending
it to. Special cards are also easy to
keep as they don't take up much

In today's modern world we have
e-cards and e-mail along with a
plethora of other devices. I would
confess that I'm in love with both
as they can be written and sent at
any hour of the day or night.

Perhaps the bottom line is . . .
communication. We all like to stay
in touch. Let's reach out no matter
the method of preference.

pray send me a card
in the middle of nowhere

Jan 9, 2020


YOU . . .

 . . . are my anchor. You brighten the
darkest days, holding my hand. You
share your steady peace, sitting with
me by the fire. You bring your sense
of anticipating, going on adventures.
You make me feel safe, by my side in
times of trouble. You still my soul, in
the midst of this world's anxiety. You!

YOU . . . are my everything . . .

a gift from the gods
unexpected much cherished
pray stay a long while

Jan 8, 2020


I long to be positive, always! I'm
in a conundrum about positive vs
negative . . . must be my libra
coming through. And, it's easier
to be positive is you don't listen
to the news; make no mistake!

How can one be a Pollyanna in a
world of impending war, Australia
burning, vast numbers of children
missing daily for most hellacious
purposes. Men beating wives; wives
beating children, children beating
pets; the viscous cycle is unending.

I truly believe in each of us doing our
bit to make the world a better place.
But, does the overlapping of concentric
circles of good really make the world a
better place? Maybe if we all could do
just a tad more . . . alas, I despair . . .

heartsick with sorrow
longing for a safer world
dreams of a joy shared

Jan 7, 2020


44 years ago, a wondrous miracle
occurred in my life. I birthed a
beautiful baby boy! Those words,
the miracle of birth' are not over-
stated. They perfectly capture the
joyous miracle that is birth. When
handed this precious bundle, you
know instantly that your life will
never be the same.

Watching that baby become a toddler,
a child, an adolescent, a teenager a
young man . . . watching him create
in himself the person he longs to be,
watching his joys, sorrows, successes,
watching, watching, watching . . .

What a pleasure, what a privilege! The
debt I owe the universe can never be
paid. I didn't even know the true meaning
of gratitude until I held my son in my
arms. I pray this life serve him well!

kneeling at your feet
i greet the mother in me
overwhelmed with awe

Jan 6, 2020

6 de enero del 2020.-

Hoy es Día de los Santos Reyes,
día que nos pertenece a nosotros.
Por lo menos, no he escuchado que
se celebra aquí en EEUU. Honramos
a aquellos sabios que viajaron largas
distancias para celebrar el nacimiento
del bebé Jesucristo. La Biblia nos dice
que trajeron regalos especiales de
incienso y otros dones much muy
valiosos de su país. Se cree que la
santa familia utilizaron sus regalos
para sobrevivir por un tiempo.

Nosotros celebramos este día tan
especial con la Rosca de Reyes. No
hay que olvidar que tradicionalmente
una de las piezas tendrá un nene por
dentro. En algunos círculos, al que le
toca el bebé, hará el pastel el año que

Normalmente, los niños de la casa,
dejen sus zapatos fuera de su puerta
y en la mañana encontrarán regalitos
en los zapatos. Dicen las malas lenguas
que si no hay regalos, es que los papos

A todos los nenes nuestros, les deseo
un feliz Día de los Reyes Magos y no
se les vaya a olvidar dejar sus zapatos
fuera de su puerta!

en obscuridad
santos reyes espero
bienvenidos hoy

Jan 5, 2020


I'm tatted #1! I'm tatted #2!!
I must admit, this is the first time
ever that I've gotten two at once!
My tattoo artist found this stunning
tiger, which I just had to have on my
left shoulder. And, I found a lynx for
my right shoulder with which I'm
totally enamored.

I find aging to be such an interesting
experience. If one can look past the
wrinkled skin, the ups and downs to
the jane at night, the forgetfulness,
the weight gain . . . it is absolutely
liberating . . . and, hence the tats!!

I have to wonder if the tats aren't
actually an invitation, an invite to
open new doors to other delightful
experiences. We spend our younger
years doing the right things, being
good examples for the children, and
coping to the best of our abilities.

One of the gifts of aging, is that tacit
permission to be oneself, to have a
bit of fun without worrying so much.
I'm not talking about breaking the
law or putting anyone in danger . . .
I'm thinking more along the lines of
dressing down, going to bed early,
watching movies until dawn, eating
ice cream for breakfast . . . and
getting tats. Happy aging . . . enjoy
your tats; I certainly love mine!

yay lets be naughty
how old did we say i am
fun and joy await


I'm off to see the wizard . . .
that wondrous wizard, I mean
tattoo artist . . . Archie! I'm so
excited! I sent him several pics
of wild cats; I wonder which
one I'll come home with?! I can
hardly wait until I have all nine.
I find it so interesting how we
can see magick in almost any-
thing around us. For example,
as I want nine feline tats . . .
and they each have nine lives,
multiplying up to 81 . . . me
thinks, "Hey, i'd like to live
that long!" Silly gal!

At the end of the day, it means
naught whether it's a symbol
like a Main Coon Cat, magick,
reality, or happen stance . . .
anything that gives us courage
in this treacherous world is
priceless. Here's to Cats R Us . . .

needs me some magick
seems most anything will do
always cats for me

Jan 3, 2020


I recognize that every season of the
year is important. Each has different
gifts for Mother Earth as well as for us.
Still, I find Winter particularly difficult.
Shorter days, darker nights, snow piled
everywhere and oh sooooo cold. As I
suffer from SADS, it makes all these
things worse. Rather than the usual
endless complaining, I want to find
more positive ways of coping.

Staying home in front of the fire, if
not in bed all day, is the first thing that
comes to mind. But, I really do wish to
suss out some good strategies. A good
book, preferably somewhat lighthearted
is the answer. Alas, that fireplace or all
day in bed can accommodate that . . .

No, I need to think outside the box. And
perhaps, outside is where the answer lies.
Get up! Get dressed!! Get out!!! Once out,
it's no nearly as bad as you think. I'm
getting out today, come hell or high water!
 promise . . .

mother earths winter
so having me some issues
outdoors is calling

Jan 2, 2020


This feeling is amazing . . . that
miraculous feeling of standing on
the precipice of an entire new year
overflowing with possibilities. Where
do I go from here? What choices will
I make? Will I be learning new things?
Will I conquer all?

Perhaps the most important things to
remember . . . 1) I am not in control
of everything; I cannot mastermind
others, fate, the universe. 2) I am
indeed in control of ME, my life, my

From the tiniest decisions . . . Will I go
to town today? to the larger ones . . .
Shall I go back to school? to the
absolutely immense ones . . . Is it time
to leave this relationship? Shall I go on
existing or shall I begin living?

I've always tended to look at the whole.
This entire new year that lies ahead of
me. But, I'm beginning to see the sense
of the ONE DAY AT A TIME philosophy.

When I awake each day, I should give
some thought to said day. Choose how
I wish to spend it. Make certain I am
living the day and not just existing. At
the end of the day, be thankful and know
that there is a new day on the morrow
in which to fall in love with life once
again. A new day in which to make our
own choices; strive to make it count.

Here's to making 2020 all that I want
it to be by enjoying one day at a time!

love me a new year
new pages in which to write
give me pen and ink

Jan 1, 2020

01/01/2020 - New Year's Day

I am recalling this day exactly twenty
years ago. Being New Year's Day, I was
off work and much enjoying it. And then,
I got a phone call that would change my
future forever. My old childhood friend
rang up, said he was in the neighborhood
and wanted to see me. I literally jumped
up and down at the thought of going back
in time, as it were.

It was glorious to see him and wonderful
to catch up. As we went to school together
from 1st to 10th grades, we did plenty of
reminiscing as well It wasn't long before
romance bloomed and we've been together
ever since. Who says you can never go

remembering you
completes our circle of time
pray time never ends