Dec 29, 2023


"Enjoy the little things."

I read this bit of wisdom a 
few minutes ago. Simple, yet
profound and it hit me hard!

Alas, we humans are often 
seduced by, "the bigger, 
the better!" 

Of course, I do not lament
my trips abroad, living in
Mexico for 20 years, or my
training for a marathon . . .
my very own big things!

But, I find myself enamored
with those sweet bits of spice
that come in small packages!

Catching a glimpse of those 
naughty raccoons looking for
a trash treat. A fox in my back 
yard. A couple of deer sacked 
out by the vardo.

My guy brings me a fresh 
cup of buttermilk early morn. 
He passes me the salt before
I ask. Only brings sunflowers
as he knows they're my faves.
He even wakes me up and
makes me go look at the moon
when it is quite spectacular.

Methinks that from now on,
I'm going to be on the lookout
for little, for small, for tiny.

Who knows? I may even spot
a wee elf or two . . .

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