Dec 27, 2023


"I am pieces of all the places I
have been, and the people I have
loved. I've been stitched together 
by song lyrics, book quotes, ad-
venture, late night conversations,
moonlight, the smell of coffee."
~Brook Hampton

In my winter down time, I tend
to forget many of the miracles
depicted in the above quote.

It occurs to me, do what it takes
to remember outside the box if 
I may mix a metaphor or two.

Memories . . . leaving home at 
14. Living, marrying, teaching, 
birthing in Mexico for 20 years.
Teaching amazing students in 
Commerce City for another 23.

Perhaps, 'tis trips down memory 
lane that just might be the cure
for SAD. Or, if not the cure, they
will help immensely. 

So today, I'm going to invite me
to my very own picture show of
delightful rememberings . . .

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