Dec 3, 2023


It's incredible . . .

   15 days 'til Hanukkah begins,
   17 days 'til Yule eve,
   18 days 'til Yule,
   21 days 'til Christmas eve,
   22 days 'til Christmas,
   28 days 'til New Year's eve!

Methinks the bad news might be . . .

   drinking too much,
   in house fighting,
   taking out a loan,
   weight gain!

But, there's ever and always good . . .

   eggnog w/or w/o
   family feasts,
   get togethers,
   renewing friendships,
   skiing and sledding,
   that perfect gift,
   tree decorating

Merry! Merry!! Merry!!!
Let the holidays begin!!!

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