Dec 4, 2023


"Let us come alive to the splen-
dor that is all around us, and see 
the beauty in ordinary things."
~Thomas Merton

It's ever so easy to forget all the
good in our lives during these
cold, winter days. Strange that it 
would take a Trappist Monk to
remind us of this.

Having stayed indoors during
the recent snow storm, I can now
look out the back and see a pure
blanket of snow. The only tracks
are those of wild animals taking
the odd shortcut. Rather makes
me wish it would stay thus.

Methinks 'tis high time I get over
my negative obsession w/winter.
It doesn't need to be my fave
season, but by the same token,
it doesn't need to be so disliked.

Maybe I could just say that it's
my least fave . . . careful, I might
just be growing up already!

Thomas Merton was an American
Trappist monk, writer, theologian,
mystic, poet, social activist and
scholar of comparative religion.
1915 - 1968 Wikipedia

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