Dec 2, 2023


"I feel the years in my bones...
the aged wisdom of my soul,
but my spirit has a youth that 
time and pail will never touch."
~A. Shea

I still stand tall, walk a fine 
stride, but my knees hurt 
worse than child birthing.

I consider aging a gift from 
the universe; make no mistake.
All you have to do is consider
the alternative.

Alas, I no longer cook like 
I used to. Standing too long 
makes my back ache. I don't
go on long walks and climbing
gentle hills is simply not going
to happen any time soon.

But I love for fam and friends
to show up, telling tales out of
school and sharing snacks and

I delight in finding the odd card
in the mailbox and responding.
I love my son's visits and my
daughter's phone calls.

The wheel of life is challenging,
but ever so interesting . . .

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