Dec 23, 2023


"Paradise has never been about
places. It exists in moments. In
connection. In flashes across time."
~Victoria Erickson

Methinks paradise is exactly 
the place where I wish to be. I 
so like reminders like this one 
by Victoria Erickson.

Alas, it's so easy to forget those
precious moments; they are quite
small after all. Perhaps the solution
might be to watch out for them.

My guy goes downstairs to get 
the salt so I don't have to. Our
friends surprise us with gorgeous
holiday drinks. An unexpected
package arrives in the mail.

On the other side of the coin, I'd
like it to be moi whose doing the
little niceties for others.

Let me think . . .

At nigh onto a hundred years old, 
I probably won't be washing anyone's 
car. Still, everyone likes mail. I need
to get back to my postcard fetish!

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