Dec 24, 2023

12/25/2023 - Christmas Day

Though I'm more into Yule
than Christmas, I find the
season ever so fascinating!

People are so friendly. They
greet each other in the street,
give out compliments and
share many a sunny smile.

Some share gifts around the
tree the night before; others
awake early on x-mas morn
and scatter wrapping every-

My childhood x-mas eves . . .
ever and always three things.
New undies, a book and a
doll. I've shared before that
I was expected to give away
last year's doll. And if it
wasn't nigh onto as nice as
the new one, 'twas the new
one I would have to give.

My family preferred eves as
it allowed for all the clutter
to be cleared away and the 
day could actually be all 
about food and family.

Whatever your customs, 
here's wishing you a phenom 
day, lots of joy and sharing . . .

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