Dec 12, 2023


I'd be the first to confess . . .
we do indeed tend toward 
lazy days in our retirement.

We simply enjoy . . .

But, you should have seen 
us haul ass when a friend told 
us we may have been exposed 
to COVID. You never saw a
pair of oldsters move so fast!

Off to buy some home tests.
Worry clouding our silence.
Take the test in the car? Go
home first? Crossing fingers . . .

Prob takes longer to read the
damn instructions that it did 
to be exposed in the first place.

Finally, instructions down,
test taken. Now the wait. 
Never did 15 minutes appear
to be so long . . .

 - - -

Hallelujah . . . seems we are
still among the blest. Can't
help but wonder . . . methinks 
what w/being elder and all, 
we must careful be!

'Tis a crazy life; make no
mistake . . .

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