Dec 21, 2023

12/21/2023 - Winter Solstice

The Winter Solstice, also called 
the Hibernal Solstice, Midwinter;
the Shortest Day, the Longest Night,
occurs when either of Earth's poles
reaches its maximum tilt away from
the Sun. This happens twice yearly,
once in each hemisphere, June 21st
and December 21st. Astronomically 
marks the beginning of lengthening 
days and shortening nights. Wikipedia

Tis my favest day of December!
I can put away my SAD angst and
simply rejoice that the days will be
lengthening, the promise of healing.

Today we will take a drive in our
beloved Mother Nature, perhaps a 
glass of champagne in front of the
fire . . . simple joys!

It's been ever so dark; darkening
as early as 4:30 in the afternoon.
I can hardly wait to eagerly watch
the lengthening of days, my own
path to wholeness and sanity.

Pray enjoy the day . . .

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