Dec 10, 2023


"We have spilled much ink in our
discussion of the human connection.
We're no closer to understanding
them than when the correspondence
began. I often feel as if I'm standing
on one side of a wide chasm shouting
across and wondering if the response
I hear is you or my own voice echoing
back to me." ~Sherlock Holmes 

Sooooo enjoy Arthur Conan Doyle,
especially in the voice of Sherlock
Holmes . . .

Every now and again, I find words of
wisdom that wow me beyond the pale.
This would be some of them . . .

Interesting isn't it, how bits and pieces
of worthy advice come from the least
expected places. Methinks this might
just be an invitation to take more 
of a look-see!

Might be driving myself crazy, but I
fully intend to keep a good lookout!

Wish me luck . . .

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