Dec 5, 2023


"Seek to be whole, not perfect."
~Lola Yayo

Seems my entire life I have
sought perfection . . .

Not sure if it's because I'm a
Libra, or maybe it has to do 
with being reared by Christian
parents. I so wish I had carried 
this quote in my heart my entire 

Who knows? Maybe it's not
too late. I'm only a 100 years
old anyway. This old dog likes
learning new tricks!

When I have my kids over, I
sometimes forget to serve a
particular dish. I notice that I
spend more time lamenting my
forgetfulness than I do loving
the fact that they came over.

This we need to watch out for. 
Seeking perfection overrides 
the joy of living, celebrating
precious moments.

I so long to be whole rather
than perfect . . .

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