Dec 31, 2023

12/31/2023 - New Year's Eve

"What you think, you become.
What you feel, you attract.
What you imagine, you create."

The New Year approaches . . .

I imagine we all have been
pondering, "What resolutions
should I consider? How do I
want this year to be different?
What changes can I most likely
make happen?"

I can remember as a child
thinking, "There are ten
commandments, so I should
probably make ten resolutions."

All my adult years, I have made 
three . . . and often they have 
been the same three. This year, 
for the first time, I am thinking 
maybe I should reduce the 
number . . . one just might be

Methinks perhaps this might just
work . . .

"Come to understand my different 
selves, to heal them, to accept them."

Sooooo pray I may grow . . .

Dec 30, 2023


"The plants and the earth 
are resting. Maybe we should 
too. The long days will be here 
soon enough." ~Rebecca Raiden

Ever on the lookout for quips
and quotes that will help me
deal with Winter . . . I found
this one particularly helpful.

I get that we are constantly
being chided and goaded into
accomplishing, performing.
Having said that, most of us
do indeed accomplish and

Still, methinks those plants
and our Mother Earth are
showing us the way . . .

So, let's lose the guilt, rest
awhile, recharge our batteries.

A wintering we shall go . . .

Dec 29, 2023


"Enjoy the little things."

I read this bit of wisdom a 
few minutes ago. Simple, yet
profound and it hit me hard!

Alas, we humans are often 
seduced by, "the bigger, 
the better!" 

Of course, I do not lament
my trips abroad, living in
Mexico for 20 years, or my
training for a marathon . . .
my very own big things!

But, I find myself enamored
with those sweet bits of spice
that come in small packages!

Catching a glimpse of those 
naughty raccoons looking for
a trash treat. A fox in my back 
yard. A couple of deer sacked 
out by the vardo.

My guy brings me a fresh 
cup of buttermilk early morn. 
He passes me the salt before
I ask. Only brings sunflowers
as he knows they're my faves.
He even wakes me up and
makes me go look at the moon
when it is quite spectacular.

Methinks that from now on,
I'm going to be on the lookout
for little, for small, for tiny.

Who knows? I may even spot
a wee elf or two . . .

Dec 28, 2023


"Hate has no home here."

A friend posted this on FB this
early morn. I love it! A motto
I pray to live by.

I own up to hating . . .
 . . . spouse-beaters, child abusers, 
scam artists, kidnappers, drug
dealers, pimps.

On the other hand, I love people!
And, the different beliefs, colors,
jobs, mates, simply serve to make 
them that much more interesting!

I really have no answers, only
questions. I don't understand the
embracing of evil, the hate it must
take to hurt a child, a spouse.

What are we about? Will evil
never end? Will enlightenment
ever come?

Methinks, "Hate has no home here"
is a good start!

Dec 27, 2023


"I am pieces of all the places I
have been, and the people I have
loved. I've been stitched together 
by song lyrics, book quotes, ad-
venture, late night conversations,
moonlight, the smell of coffee."
~Brook Hampton

In my winter down time, I tend
to forget many of the miracles
depicted in the above quote.

It occurs to me, do what it takes
to remember outside the box if 
I may mix a metaphor or two.

Memories . . . leaving home at 
14. Living, marrying, teaching, 
birthing in Mexico for 20 years.
Teaching amazing students in 
Commerce City for another 23.

Perhaps, 'tis trips down memory 
lane that just might be the cure
for SAD. Or, if not the cure, they
will help immensely. 

So today, I'm going to invite me
to my very own picture show of
delightful rememberings . . .

Dec 26, 2023


'Tis the morning of the day
after . . .

The day after x-mas, fam
and friends, gifts galore. 
Day after cooking, baking,
eating and washing dishes
beyond the pale.

One of the good things is
with Yule and Christmas
behind us, we can now see
the New Year is just 'round
the corner.

And this merits a few good
days of thinking about!!!

-What are my dreams for '24?
-What do I wish to accomplish?
-What changes should I make?
-What do I hope to gain?
-What should I do differently?

All worth pondering. Still, I've
learned to keep it simple. I'll
probably end up with the same
three I usually choose. Naught
bad about that!

Here's to our in-between days . . .
Good bye holidays; welcome
New Year!

Here's hoping I get it right
this time . . .

Dec 24, 2023

12/25/2023 - Christmas Day

Though I'm more into Yule
than Christmas, I find the
season ever so fascinating!

People are so friendly. They
greet each other in the street,
give out compliments and
share many a sunny smile.

Some share gifts around the
tree the night before; others
awake early on x-mas morn
and scatter wrapping every-

My childhood x-mas eves . . .
ever and always three things.
New undies, a book and a
doll. I've shared before that
I was expected to give away
last year's doll. And if it
wasn't nigh onto as nice as
the new one, 'twas the new
one I would have to give.

My family preferred eves as
it allowed for all the clutter
to be cleared away and the 
day could actually be all 
about food and family.

Whatever your customs, 
here's wishing you a phenom 
day, lots of joy and sharing . . .

12/24/2023 - Christmas Eve

I sooooo love the eves of all
holidays . . .

First, you have the evening 
to plan and look forward to. 
Said evening, once enjoyed, 
you have the entire next day 
for the fun and games the
holiday brings.

I have a firm belief that eves
should be celebrated by the
fire and rather fun drinks to
enjoy. Chat will follow and
entice. Such fun!

Tonight is one of those eves, 
isn't it?! I feel my spine a
tingling! To plan or just let 
it happen naturally?

I see such choices as chilled
champagne, dry red and a
chartreuse a tiempo. Only the
best of cheeses to accompany,
and an exotic bread perhaps . . .

I can feel the licking flames
even as we speak. A gentle
light to show us the way to
a night to remember.

Do enjoy your own Christmas
Eve . . . Raise a glass or two!

Dec 23, 2023


"Paradise has never been about
places. It exists in moments. In
connection. In flashes across time."
~Victoria Erickson

Methinks paradise is exactly 
the place where I wish to be. I 
so like reminders like this one 
by Victoria Erickson.

Alas, it's so easy to forget those
precious moments; they are quite
small after all. Perhaps the solution
might be to watch out for them.

My guy goes downstairs to get 
the salt so I don't have to. Our
friends surprise us with gorgeous
holiday drinks. An unexpected
package arrives in the mail.

On the other side of the coin, I'd
like it to be moi whose doing the
little niceties for others.

Let me think . . .

At nigh onto a hundred years old, 
I probably won't be washing anyone's 
car. Still, everyone likes mail. I need
to get back to my postcard fetish!

Dec 22, 2023


My heart hurts today . . .

Our kid's pickup was broken into
at 3:00 in the morning. Alarms
singing their song and the baddies
calmly going about the naughty

We watched it happening on the 
monitor several times, just can't 
get over it . . . What kind of world 
are we living in today? The news 
is unbearable. Senseless murders. 
The cruelty at schools. I'm sooooo 

Sweet Solstice one day and terror
the next . . .  I'm praying someone 
gifts me blinders for x-mas or maybe
rose colored glasses . . .

Dec 21, 2023

12/21/2023 - Winter Solstice

The Winter Solstice, also called 
the Hibernal Solstice, Midwinter;
the Shortest Day, the Longest Night,
occurs when either of Earth's poles
reaches its maximum tilt away from
the Sun. This happens twice yearly,
once in each hemisphere, June 21st
and December 21st. Astronomically 
marks the beginning of lengthening 
days and shortening nights. Wikipedia

Tis my favest day of December!
I can put away my SAD angst and
simply rejoice that the days will be
lengthening, the promise of healing.

Today we will take a drive in our
beloved Mother Nature, perhaps a 
glass of champagne in front of the
fire . . . simple joys!

It's been ever so dark; darkening
as early as 4:30 in the afternoon.
I can hardly wait to eagerly watch
the lengthening of days, my own
path to wholeness and sanity.

Pray enjoy the day . . .

Dec 20, 2023

12/20/2023 - Winter Solstice Eve

I love today . . .

Seems my entire life I have 
ever and always preferred 
and enjoyed the eves of all 

I have visions of sitting by 
the fire this evening and giving 
my guy his Yule gift, a book I 
wrote for him.

I can see it all now, candle 
flames a dancin', fire burning 
quietly warming both our souls 
and our bodies, maybe a bit of
quiet music.

'Tis my favest of all fave days
of winter. Not so much into the
cold and snow, but the eve of
this holiday with snow about
and cold all around . . . perfect!

I wish each all all of you a most
glorious Yule eve!

Dec 19, 2023


"Your life is as big as the 
risks you take." natural life

Love this! Rather wish I were
up to the challenge . . .

I look back to my wondrous
years as a young mother and
teacher. The energy I had was
rather beyond remarkable. 
Wish I could have harvested
some of that so I could dip in
it today!

Methinks the words 'energy'
and 'risks' might be linked if
not downright synonymous.

I've always been a risk-taker;
my energy, never flagging. So
why am I now an olde dame
with little of either?!

It's just life, isn't it?! Maybe 
it's time to simply accept that
I'm in my latter days and it's
perfectly normal for both risks
and energy to flag.

Now the real questions . . . 

Am I actually up for acceptance 
of this time of my life? 
Am I truly done with risk-taking?
Will my joy be less now that I'm
somewhat sidelined?

Food for thought . . .

Dec 18, 2023


Have you ever questioned 
your taste in movies?

I remember my mom loved
all things Disney and my dad
liked documentaries. 

My aunt and uncle never,
ever turned off the TV. They 
watched whatever was on . . .
no discrimination whatsoever.

My own children are capable
of delving into terror, horror.
I would die first.

I am a pacifist who enjoys
murder mysteries; go figure!
Now, they have to be a la
Columbo or Rockford Files.
No can do any serious flicks;
I'd never sleep again!

You'll have to excuse me now,
I have Sherlock Holmes waiting.

Guess I'll have to learn to laugh
at myself . . .

Dec 17, 2023


"The most beautiful thing
we can experience is the
mystery." ~Albert Einstein

Saw this on FB this early 
morn. Hit me hard! Einstein 
truly had wisdom as well as
intellect on his side.

I love mystery in all its forms.
Love, friendship, the universe,
aging, hurt, pain . . . it's all 
pure mystery; make no mistake!

I ponder the love, acceptance,
forgiveness my own children
have bestowed. Surely they'll
experience something similar
from their own spouses and

A mystery to me then, would
be how sometimes we're loathe
to give the same. Rather bears 
thinking about.

For now, I wish to dwell in the
mystery . . . no need to figure 
it out . . . just enjoy!!!

Dec 16, 2023


"Don't waste your time looking 
back; you are not going that way."
~Ragnar Lothbrok

Love the quote, but I beg to differ.

We have all been gifted a past, a
present and a future. Obviously,
it's sad when someone only lives
in the past! Sooooo don't even 
want to go there . . .

Having said that, there're glorious
experiences to be revisited and
enjoyed in each segment of our

I cherish remembering special
events in my past . . . the birth 
of my children, precious years 
of teaching, living in Mexico, 
special times with my dad.

A kaleidoscope of memories
not unlike glancing through a
photo album. Still, you don't
live there!

The present is priceless indeed.
And, that's exactly where I wish
to live. Naught wrong with plans
for the future either. 

Bottom line . . . live in the present,
visit the past, plan for the future!

All three matter!

Dec 15, 2023


My heart so hurts this early morn . . .

Today, we say good bye to my long
time friend and x-husband, Martin.

I love that he is being honored at
Dinosaur Ridge. Accolades will
be phenomenal and he will be
given a proper send-off.

Methinks none of us know about
the afterlife. Does it really exist?
Reincarnation? Heaven awaits?
One way or another, each belief
has to be taken on faith.

However it turns out to be, I so 
hope Martin is able to hook up 
with my dad, Chet Jennings and 
my godfather Karl Hirsch. They 
were quite the trio!

Bon voyage Martin . . . know
you are well regarded and
much loved . . .

Dec 14, 2023


Real or imagined?

There can be nothing quite like
living in a cabin 145 years old!

Creaks, groans accompanying
our steps, the odd shadow that 
can't be explained, a bit of chat

Seems the builder of the cabin,
1874, likes to hang out in the
back yard; my dad as well. My
guy has spoken to both of them.

The man who built the cabin 
was a blacksmith and 'tis what 
he built it for. He told my better
half that he likes what we've
done with the place and that 
we "keep the upkeep kept up!"

I was never given the gift of
seeing nor hearing that goes
along those gone by. My lover
has battled the gift his entire
life. Rather wish he could give
it to me.

One way or another, I am much
thankful for my little cabin. It
has brought us, and others, much

Come on by for a look-see and a
swig of something good . . .

Dec 13, 2023


"Do not seek the extraordinary,
but see the extraordinary shining
through the ordinary." ~Jeff Foster

One of the things I enjoy in this
whole aging process is exactly

Everywhere I look, I am wowed!
The falling snow, a light rain, an
unexpected visit, fun holiday cards,
a pizza delivery . . .

Methinks the point would be, 'tis 
a gift from the aging process. When
the realization hits that you're actually
nearer the end than the beginning,
cherishing the beauty around you

Looking back, seems I took ever so
much for granted. Not sure there's
any particular thing wrong with that.
Again, the age thing!

Frankly, I like where I am right now.
It's rather like walking into eternity,
pausing for a moment and turning
around for one last look . . .

 . . . a kaleidoscope of cherished 
memories, along the lines of a drive 
in movie spinning by, fast and furious!

I pray I'm allotted just a while longer
to bask in the past, enjoy the now, and
look forward to the future.

Blessed be . . .

Dec 12, 2023


I'd be the first to confess . . .
we do indeed tend toward 
lazy days in our retirement.

We simply enjoy . . .

But, you should have seen 
us haul ass when a friend told 
us we may have been exposed 
to COVID. You never saw a
pair of oldsters move so fast!

Off to buy some home tests.
Worry clouding our silence.
Take the test in the car? Go
home first? Crossing fingers . . .

Prob takes longer to read the
damn instructions that it did 
to be exposed in the first place.

Finally, instructions down,
test taken. Now the wait. 
Never did 15 minutes appear
to be so long . . .

 - - -

Hallelujah . . . seems we are
still among the blest. Can't
help but wonder . . . methinks 
what w/being elder and all, 
we must careful be!

'Tis a crazy life; make no
mistake . . .

Dec 11, 2023


"You will inspire some and trigger
others. Both are good medicine."

I find myself absolutely wowed
by this quotation . . .

Frankly, I recognize that it hasn't
been until my elder years that I've
actually understood that one can't
necessarily like everyone, and
vice versa. 

Obviously, none of us like every
one, but I thought we were to try!
What I do think is, regardless of
one's feelings, kindness, decency
and being polite are ever in order.

I've heard the old adage, "I'll be
nice to you if you're nice to me."
I don't buy it!!! Not one little bit!

How I treat others, liking them 
or not, speaks to who I am! 
Treat others in a  manner that 
speaks to who you  are, rather 
than who they might be.

I like this way of thinking; might
just make a difference to someone

Dec 10, 2023


"We have spilled much ink in our
discussion of the human connection.
We're no closer to understanding
them than when the correspondence
began. I often feel as if I'm standing
on one side of a wide chasm shouting
across and wondering if the response
I hear is you or my own voice echoing
back to me." ~Sherlock Holmes 

Sooooo enjoy Arthur Conan Doyle,
especially in the voice of Sherlock
Holmes . . .

Every now and again, I find words of
wisdom that wow me beyond the pale.
This would be some of them . . .

Interesting isn't it, how bits and pieces
of worthy advice come from the least
expected places. Methinks this might
just be an invitation to take more 
of a look-see!

Might be driving myself crazy, but I
fully intend to keep a good lookout!

Wish me luck . . .

Dec 9, 2023


"Healing is a journey, not 
a destination." ~Unknown

I imagine we all come to
the conclusion that we need
healing at some point.

Why do I get so angry?
Why do I hold a grudge?
Why can't I reach out?
What has happened to me
that I seem unable to release 
these maladies?

For me, the above words
make it easier to cope with
my need for personal growth.

So how? How do I go about

For some, meditation is the
key. For others, prayer works.
Pondering and thinking are
good. Apologies when needed
are very healing.

Bottom line . . . get on with it!
Grow up! Grow a pair! Own up!
Stop, just stop repeating bad

I'm on it! I'm going to grow
each and every day no matter
how long it takes!!!

I swear it . . .

Dec 8, 2023


"Let gratitude be the pillow
upon which you kneel to
say your nightly prayer."
~Maya Angelou

Truly, it is ever so easy 
to take all good things  
for granted!

We tend to say, Thank you,
without thinking . . . a gift,
an errand ran, a ride given.

But, what about thanking
the Universe for a gorgeous
day? The beauty found in a
walk through the mountains.
The serenity in sitting by a
gentle stream.

Indeed I am grateful for many
things, but do I bother to say
those magic words of thanks?

The gifts of life, children, food,
amenities . . . I thank the powers
at be for all of these.

Pray I ever be cognizant of all 
these gifts brought to my door!

Blessed be . . .

Dec 7, 2023


"Those who don't believe 
in magic will never find it."
~Roald Dahl

The one thing I love about
Winter is its magic therein.

Awaking to a pristine snow
covering the yard is quite
magical.  Trees everywhere
of every color and varied
decor. Lights galore!

Presents collecting under
living room trees. Holiday
music playing softly in the
background. Kids shaking
gifts to enhance guessing.

Strangers greeting strangers.
The rush of holiday shoppers.
Cups of coffee with a friend.

The odd card in the mail. An
unexpected phone call. Gifts
pouring in via the post.

Methinks might be a good
idea to remember these bits
and pieces of magic when I'm
dour about Winter . . .

Dec 6, 2023


I find myself rather in awe at
the old dame I'm becoming.

For instance, we have been
watching old murder mystery
series. Such fun . . .

 . . . Bones, Columbo, Monk,
Rockford Files, Sherlock Holmes . . .

 . . . so much fun!

Always thought I was a fairly
decent woman, so why do I like
murder mysteries so much?! 
Guess, Disney and Hallmark 
I am not!

"Give it up ld, you're old enough
now to do whatever you feel like!"
Hey now, that sounds like a fine

Let me think . . . what series shall
I watch next? Hmmmmm, maybe
Jesse Stone might be just right!

Dec 5, 2023


"Seek to be whole, not perfect."
~Lola Yayo

Seems my entire life I have
sought perfection . . .

Not sure if it's because I'm a
Libra, or maybe it has to do 
with being reared by Christian
parents. I so wish I had carried 
this quote in my heart my entire 

Who knows? Maybe it's not
too late. I'm only a 100 years
old anyway. This old dog likes
learning new tricks!

When I have my kids over, I
sometimes forget to serve a
particular dish. I notice that I
spend more time lamenting my
forgetfulness than I do loving
the fact that they came over.

This we need to watch out for. 
Seeking perfection overrides 
the joy of living, celebrating
precious moments.

I so long to be whole rather
than perfect . . .

Dec 4, 2023


"Let us come alive to the splen-
dor that is all around us, and see 
the beauty in ordinary things."
~Thomas Merton

It's ever so easy to forget all the
good in our lives during these
cold, winter days. Strange that it 
would take a Trappist Monk to
remind us of this.

Having stayed indoors during
the recent snow storm, I can now
look out the back and see a pure
blanket of snow. The only tracks
are those of wild animals taking
the odd shortcut. Rather makes
me wish it would stay thus.

Methinks 'tis high time I get over
my negative obsession w/winter.
It doesn't need to be my fave
season, but by the same token,
it doesn't need to be so disliked.

Maybe I could just say that it's
my least fave . . . careful, I might
just be growing up already!

Thomas Merton was an American
Trappist monk, writer, theologian,
mystic, poet, social activist and
scholar of comparative religion.
1915 - 1968 Wikipedia

Dec 3, 2023


It's incredible . . .

   15 days 'til Hanukkah begins,
   17 days 'til Yule eve,
   18 days 'til Yule,
   21 days 'til Christmas eve,
   22 days 'til Christmas,
   28 days 'til New Year's eve!

Methinks the bad news might be . . .

   drinking too much,
   in house fighting,
   taking out a loan,
   weight gain!

But, there's ever and always good . . .

   eggnog w/or w/o
   family feasts,
   get togethers,
   renewing friendships,
   skiing and sledding,
   that perfect gift,
   tree decorating

Merry! Merry!! Merry!!!
Let the holidays begin!!!

Dec 2, 2023


"I feel the years in my bones...
the aged wisdom of my soul,
but my spirit has a youth that 
time and pail will never touch."
~A. Shea

I still stand tall, walk a fine 
stride, but my knees hurt 
worse than child birthing.

I consider aging a gift from 
the universe; make no mistake.
All you have to do is consider
the alternative.

Alas, I no longer cook like 
I used to. Standing too long 
makes my back ache. I don't
go on long walks and climbing
gentle hills is simply not going
to happen any time soon.

But I love for fam and friends
to show up, telling tales out of
school and sharing snacks and

I delight in finding the odd card
in the mailbox and responding.
I love my son's visits and my
daughter's phone calls.

The wheel of life is challenging,
but ever so interesting . . .

Dec 1, 2023


"Knowing your own darkness 
is the best method of dealing 
with the darkness of other
people." ~Carl G. Jung

Obviously, there are all kinds and
types of dark in each of our lives. 
The unexpected loss of a job, not 
getting that expected scholarship, 
bankruptcy, decline of health . . .

 . . . to say naught of depression,
weather dependent or otherwise.

So wish all of us were reared with
the reality and expectation of some
negativity in our lives. Were ways
and methods of dealing with said
negativity included, we'd be talking
serious success in coping!

For many of us, it's a bit late to
teach our children coping methods.
But, not for our grands or others
seeking answers.

May we each learn to cope with
our own dark and share ideas and
methods as far and wide as we can.

And pray, bring on the light . . .