Jul 31, 2021


"The woman I was yesterday,
introduced me to the woman 
I am today, which makes me 
very excited about meeting the 
woman I will become tomorrow."

Sooooo thought today would never 
get here. 'Tis o' dark thirty and me
thinks it has finally arrived! The gods
be praised!

The yesterdays of the glorious month
of July have been delightful. I truly
believe that when you are submerged
in the planning and preparation for
those special events of your summer,
there is nothing quite like them.

Not for a moment does this mean I
won't enjoy today! I wish to be utterly
cognizant for every passing minute
of today's events. Enjoying today,
the glorious women with whom I'll 
be sharing it and whatever wondrous 
words are spoken, will be cherished.

And tomorrow, not to be outdone, will
be the sweet rememberings of all that
transpired. I'll find myself saying . . .
"Oh wasn't it special that she was able 
to come?" And, "The words spoken by
our elder have so influenced the way
I view things." As well as, "Did you
witness the miracle of friendship over
and over again?"

loving me the three
yesters todays and morrows 
all beyond priceless

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