Jul 19, 2021


Cute sign . . .

"Warning Hippies!
Hippies have been spotted in this area.
Peace, love and understanding could
break out at any moment."

I was about ten when the so called hippie
movement came about. I was fascinated,
make no mistake. I loved it all . . . the
excitement, the outrage, the different and
strange, life from a different perspective.

Strangely enough, the twenty years I was
in Mexico, I was often referred to as a
hippie. And in all fairness, I suppose I
embodied a great many of their ideals
and similarities.

So, what is the allure?  Coloring outside
the lines in all arenas is quite appealing!
The love of Mother Nature, dressing as
you wish, utterly thinking for yourself,
seeking life over existence, making do
rather than getting ahead, peace over war.

Obviously, this isn't all, nor even close
to all. And, each of these things belong
in other categories of thinking. Perhaps,
as we're now firmly in the 2020s, we
could each strive to write and live our
own philosophies. 

thinking for myself
lets talk love and energies
still so much to learn

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