Jul 30, 2021


Sooooo loving this Summer weather! 

We get out as early as possible, sit 
by the pond, eat breakfast . . . all
the while fantasizing that Winter will 
never arrive! Don't  think for a moment 
I've forgotten two thirds of Spring was
stolen from us this year by Lord Winter .

Been running around 85 degrees here,
very comfy! I so feel for those in 110
degree weather as well as those
suffering from flood and famine! I do
understand that we've brought this on

Sometimes I find myself wondering if
we'll ever wake up and smell the coffee. 
There's so much we could do with less
consumption, recycling, bee protection,
protecting our water. 

As an elder, I'll probably ride this out,
but I fear for our offspring. It will be
up to them to sort out the issues, find
solutions and survive no matter what.
Pray the gift of wisdom will be granted. 
Still, that doesn't mean we can rest on 
our laurels; we need to help as long as 
we're alive!

need to learn the ropes
longing to help mother earth
care for our planet

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