Jul 13, 2021


Sooooo love being an olde dame, now
retired.  Of course, there are things that
are now more difficult, but others better.

I enjoy waking up in the early hours and
thinking about my upcoming day. What
can I get myself up to? Is there a bit of
fun to go along with the naughty? Alas,
I have to convince my guy as he drives 
and I don't. Still . . .

As soon as it's light of day, I check on 
the prior evening's mail, pay the odd bill, 
wash yesterday's dishes and then hit my
guy up with whatever ideas I can come 
up with for the day's excitement.

Sometimes, I get a bit of weeding in. 
Other's, it's just sit outside by my tiny, 
tiny pond with a cuppa or glass of some-
thing fun. My fave is when we have to
get a few groceries, so we treat ourselves
to a meal out. We only do so about three
times a month, but it's fun nonetheless.

One thing I've learned is that fun needs
be neither expensive, nor elaborate. I
find I'm quite tickled with the simple.
Now as I glance down, figure I could 
do with a tad less wrinkled skin!

fun by any other name
simple might be best

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