Jul 16, 2021


Me thinks we haven't caught up with
Mama Nature's weather caprices just
yet. I really have no issue; she's got 
a lot to be angry about and if a three
rain abates her rage a tad, so be it.
Rain or no rain, there really is no
beauty that compares to that of the
Rocky Mountains. Long drive, but
my soul feels sated in wonder.

We're thinking to get set up, have a
brewski or two with the neighbors
and head into town for a look-see.
That is . . . if the rain storm abates.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch, it's
both beautiful and peaceful here,
I'm happy as a clam just as is . . .
(Hey, how you enjoying all those
truisms here?!)

God, this is the least anxiety ridden
I've felt in months! May I abide a

love me my travels
things happen for a reason
cant pry me away

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