Jul 23, 2021

07/23/2021 - Sammy

I remember Sammy. I have a sweet
small altar for him in my dining room. 
Every day, I glance up at it and wish
him well, no matter where he is.

Sammy was and is my brother. We
are 17 months apart. I was the only
one who could understand him until
around 11. It fell to me to translate
for him to my parents, his teachers,
our friends.

I cared for him after school until my
parents got home from work. I read
to him for a couple of hours, good
for both of us, I imagine.

Then he started getting recorded
books in the mail. 78 records, I 
believe. They were so wonderful
the entire family would sit together
and listen of an evening. My fave
was Lost in the Barrens by Farley

I loved Sammy's guide dogs. I
believe he had three different 
Golden Retrievers in his lifetime,
maybe even four. What a difference
they made to his life!

Today is his birthday; I remember
Sammy . . .

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