Jul 18, 2021


I so love countdown days . . .
Only six more days and as always
much to do.

I find I quite enjoy the prep work
involved each year prior to my guy's
b-day. He too, is involved in the
readying . . . although I do hear the
odd expletive from time to time.

Me thinks I'm fairly clever in that
I only use dif size brooms, a scraper,
a dust pan, trash bags. Whereas, my
man uses proper tools that break and
or break down. So, I actually get the 
odd curse or two.

Once we finished our tasks for the day,
we thought about sitting outside for                           
a while. Alas, I was too exhausted. I 
feared I'd probably fall asleep in the 

I may be sneaking off to bed at 6:30 
rather than the usual 8:30. God, this
aging thing has a great deal to answer

Hope I have some energy left to party!

all work and no play
finally time to party
might be too tired

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