Jul 24, 2021

07/24/2021 - Gypsies in July

Seems I wait all year for today 
to arrive. At this wondrous family 
reunion, with all our kin from both
sides, we celebrate b-days ahoy!

My dad of course, as well as my
brother, but today is all about my
guy! And, he is much loved by his
dearests and bestests! I might add,

The fam come in gypsy costumes
to honor the absolutely fab vardo
he built me. I would have to say,
the whole look of this amazing
fam reunion in this 1870's cabin 
and rustic area, in gypsy garb no
less, is rather beyond words! 

The men grill the burgers; there's 
even fake hotdogs for we weirdo 
vegetarians! The women bring  
dishes to share and we all hoist a
brewski celebrating this amazing
man, this incredible day!

And the most fun of all, we have
music! An amazing local musician
blesses us with this stunning guitar
playing and singing. I just can't 
get enough!

Alas, the only blight on the day is
that our Western Slope family can't
be here due to highway floodings
and slides. They will be sorely

Happy birthday, dear heart! May
you be much blest in your next

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