Jul 22, 2021


 Got mail?

There was a package in my mailbox this
evening. I was ever so excited to open it.
Didn't matter that it was from Amazon
and that I had ordered it!

I do my own communicating via e-mail,
not being much of a phoner. Having said
that, so love getting cards or letters in the
mail. I check the mailbox every single
day, always hoping there will be one or
the other.

I'm not as faithful as I like in the sending
department. I do purchase cards, write 
the odd note and send them out now and
again. Wish I did more of that. Times
were when I was a proper letter writer.
Alas, days gone by . . .

Me thinks I'll celebrate New Year's day
on September first and make a resolution
to get back into the mail game. Just let
me know if you're in the mood to receive
a note!

running to the mail 
did anybody write me
a surprise awaits

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