Jul 10, 2021


Me thinks I'm a lifeaholoic. Anything
good or great is better in the more

You do know that if the homemade
ice cream is delectable, you need at 
least three servings to make certain
of the veracity of this statement.

Sooooo love me some pizza, just
once in a while. If it's perfect, just
the way I like it, with three measures
of sauce . . . I eat the whole thing!

'Twould be a good idea to never let
me into an antique store. Talk about
an alluring temptation! It's all so odd,
interesting, different, strange, unusual.
Thank God, I can only afford a couple
of pieces.

And, let's not even get started on 

my mind shouts stop it
not enough of a good thing
my mouth says yummy

So, this is me . . . fat, broke and still
enjoying the hell out of everything!

     Old is GOOD!
     Antique is BETTER!!
     Archaic is BEST!!!

Now, if that's me, what about food?!
Might be an idea to . . . 

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