Jul 31, 2021


"The woman I was yesterday,
introduced me to the woman 
I am today, which makes me 
very excited about meeting the 
woman I will become tomorrow."

Sooooo thought today would never 
get here. 'Tis o' dark thirty and me
thinks it has finally arrived! The gods
be praised!

The yesterdays of the glorious month
of July have been delightful. I truly
believe that when you are submerged
in the planning and preparation for
those special events of your summer,
there is nothing quite like them.

Not for a moment does this mean I
won't enjoy today! I wish to be utterly
cognizant for every passing minute
of today's events. Enjoying today,
the glorious women with whom I'll 
be sharing it and whatever wondrous 
words are spoken, will be cherished.

And tomorrow, not to be outdone, will
be the sweet rememberings of all that
transpired. I'll find myself saying . . .
"Oh wasn't it special that she was able 
to come?" And, "The words spoken by
our elder have so influenced the way
I view things." As well as, "Did you
witness the miracle of friendship over
and over again?"

loving me the three
yesters todays and morrows 
all beyond priceless

Jul 30, 2021


Sooooo loving this Summer weather! 

We get out as early as possible, sit 
by the pond, eat breakfast . . . all
the while fantasizing that Winter will 
never arrive! Don't  think for a moment 
I've forgotten two thirds of Spring was
stolen from us this year by Lord Winter .

Been running around 85 degrees here,
very comfy! I so feel for those in 110
degree weather as well as those
suffering from flood and famine! I do
understand that we've brought this on

Sometimes I find myself wondering if
we'll ever wake up and smell the coffee. 
There's so much we could do with less
consumption, recycling, bee protection,
protecting our water. 

As an elder, I'll probably ride this out,
but I fear for our offspring. It will be
up to them to sort out the issues, find
solutions and survive no matter what.
Pray the gift of wisdom will be granted. 
Still, that doesn't mean we can rest on 
our laurels; we need to help as long as 
we're alive!

need to learn the ropes
longing to help mother earth
care for our planet

Jul 29, 2021


Once in a while, there is a most
magickal night! I actually use 
the 'k' on purpose!

We came home from picking up
my friend from a far away land.
I put in the new lights down the
walk way and . . . viola! Pure

The night's temp was perfect. 
The pond's running water sang
her wondrous song, and the
conversation was sweet!

I just couldn't help myself . . .
I kept looking about at this
glorious night Mother Earth
had gifted us. I kept waiting
for the angels to burst into

I pray we are all ever gifted
these perfect summer nights!

let mother earth sing 
loving me some summer nights
a gift of the gods

Jul 28, 2021


Today is my guy's actual birthday.
We celebrated on Saturday, because
that's a day when most of the family
can get together. Still, I'm going to
take him out for dinner at his fave
restaurant; I just have to.

I find celebrating such an interesting
thing, especially birthdays! I have
always liked celebrating the entire
month. I like to do something special
each day. I love special and don't
particularly care for the grandiose; 
I like small!

I still celebrate my dad and brother
on their birthdays. I like to raise a
toast to far away friends on their
special days. There are heroes of
antiquity I also like to celebrate.
Can't help but wonder if I don't
simply enjoy celebrating?! And
yes, I do indeed.

Each month I list those special 
b-days and send either an e-card
or a snail mail. So, what does all
of this mean? Me thinks it has
something to do with my own 
aging process.

As we grow older, we hold life
more dear. Special times matter.
Birthdays are important.  Let's

how i love birthdays
to live yet another year
let's celebrate life!

Jul 27, 2021


"I wonder how many people I've 
looked at all my life and never seen."
~John Steinbeck

What an amazing, thought provoking
statement . . . it brings me to tears;
breaks my heart!

I truly believe it's people we should 
be seeing, seeking, rather than goodies
life has to offer. Per se, we seek comfort
for our families, hearth and home. 

There is naught wrong with this; it is as 
it should be. Still, the pursuit of bigger
houses, more cars, millions instead of
thousands . . . all replacing time that
could be well spent with family and

Perhaps a serious look at our priorities
is in order. Obviously, they will differ
from person to person. For me it's . . .

    love before like
    people before things
    homes before houses
    comfort before pleasure
    belief before doubt

Whether or not we elucidate our own
priorities, beliefs . . . we have them. 
For me, it's important to honor them.
I find it helps me stay the distance.

Jul 26, 2021


Monday Morning Coming Down . . .

Alas, me thinks Kris Kristofferson was
wrong when he said Sunday instead 
of Monday! Still, I beg his indulgence. 
It's Monday all the way for me.

It's funny when you're retired. You 
think all days will be the weekend, 
but that's not so. You may even forget 
which day of the week it is, but you 
never forget the weekend and the gifts 
it brings.

After seeing so many of our family 
on Saturday, yesterday we were treated 
to a visit from a couple of old friends. 
I just love reconnecting, catching up, 
hearing how everyone is doing . . . 

Alas, time is a real thing and there 
never appears to be enough of it. I'm
trying, I'm trying! In my latter years
I simply long to see all those I love
as much as possible.

Sooooo get ready, you're about to be
invited. Well actually, you don't even
need to be invited! Tooooo bad, you 
have the do the driving as the docs 
don't allow me to. Come on over and 
have a brewski by the pond! I might
even find the energy to cook a bit!

in my elder years
loving family and friends
enjoy the sharings

Jul 25, 2021


'Tis the morning of the day after . . .

Such fun, such memories, such a mess!
I just love seeing the remnants of a good
do! Everywhere you look, there is literal
evidence of a good time well had!

I do have to laugh at how it takes about
three weeks to get ready for a family
reunion . . . but only a couple of hours
to erase the evidence!

So, we are sitting here by the pond, as
well as the fire and having a good look
see at the wondrous memories of a
delightful birthday. 

Today, I shall bask in the memories of
yesterday . . . rather makes me want to
have a birthday . . . go figure!

just counting the days
oh how i love these shindigs
lets party hearty

Jul 24, 2021

07/24/2021 - Gypsies in July

Seems I wait all year for today 
to arrive. At this wondrous family 
reunion, with all our kin from both
sides, we celebrate b-days ahoy!

My dad of course, as well as my
brother, but today is all about my
guy! And, he is much loved by his
dearests and bestests! I might add,

The fam come in gypsy costumes
to honor the absolutely fab vardo
he built me. I would have to say,
the whole look of this amazing
fam reunion in this 1870's cabin 
and rustic area, in gypsy garb no
less, is rather beyond words! 

The men grill the burgers; there's 
even fake hotdogs for we weirdo 
vegetarians! The women bring  
dishes to share and we all hoist a
brewski celebrating this amazing
man, this incredible day!

And the most fun of all, we have
music! An amazing local musician
blesses us with this stunning guitar
playing and singing. I just can't 
get enough!

Alas, the only blight on the day is
that our Western Slope family can't
be here due to highway floodings
and slides. They will be sorely

Happy birthday, dear heart! May
you be much blest in your next

Jul 23, 2021

07/23/2021 - Sammy

I remember Sammy. I have a sweet
small altar for him in my dining room. 
Every day, I glance up at it and wish
him well, no matter where he is.

Sammy was and is my brother. We
are 17 months apart. I was the only
one who could understand him until
around 11. It fell to me to translate
for him to my parents, his teachers,
our friends.

I cared for him after school until my
parents got home from work. I read
to him for a couple of hours, good
for both of us, I imagine.

Then he started getting recorded
books in the mail. 78 records, I 
believe. They were so wonderful
the entire family would sit together
and listen of an evening. My fave
was Lost in the Barrens by Farley

I loved Sammy's guide dogs. I
believe he had three different 
Golden Retrievers in his lifetime,
maybe even four. What a difference
they made to his life!

Today is his birthday; I remember
Sammy . . .

Jul 22, 2021


 Got mail?

There was a package in my mailbox this
evening. I was ever so excited to open it.
Didn't matter that it was from Amazon
and that I had ordered it!

I do my own communicating via e-mail,
not being much of a phoner. Having said
that, so love getting cards or letters in the
mail. I check the mailbox every single
day, always hoping there will be one or
the other.

I'm not as faithful as I like in the sending
department. I do purchase cards, write 
the odd note and send them out now and
again. Wish I did more of that. Times
were when I was a proper letter writer.
Alas, days gone by . . .

Me thinks I'll celebrate New Year's day
on September first and make a resolution
to get back into the mail game. Just let
me know if you're in the mood to receive
a note!

running to the mail 
did anybody write me
a surprise awaits

Jul 21, 2021

07/21/2021 - Daddy

Today is daddy's birthday . . .

Of course, I can't get through this day
without remembering, thinking of him.
He ever will be the greatest love of my

I've shared before that my parents did
a divide and conquer once my special
brother was born. We were a unit of
four, make no mistake. But, daddy 
took over rearing me as mom dealt
mainly with my brother. 

I remember toddling around behind 
him, always with dozens of questions.
I look back and recall the patience
with which he treated me! He would
answer those never ending questions
and then . . . at some point he'd say,
"Time to take a quiet break. Let's 
see, it's about 3:00. We won't talk
again until 3:30." It was hard, talker
that I am, but he never made it longer
than 30 minutes.

He is the man who gifted me my 
love of Mother Earth. He is the one, 
upon turning 13, who told me he 
believed me to be a Pantheist and 
himself a Panentheist. Having said 
that, he remained a staunch Christian 
his entire life! He was the real McCoy!

Oh how I love and revere this man.
I still talk to him everyday . . . and
today, I will be wishing him a happy
birthday, wherever he may be!

Jul 19, 2021


Cute sign . . .

"Warning Hippies!
Hippies have been spotted in this area.
Peace, love and understanding could
break out at any moment."

I was about ten when the so called hippie
movement came about. I was fascinated,
make no mistake. I loved it all . . . the
excitement, the outrage, the different and
strange, life from a different perspective.

Strangely enough, the twenty years I was
in Mexico, I was often referred to as a
hippie. And in all fairness, I suppose I
embodied a great many of their ideals
and similarities.

So, what is the allure?  Coloring outside
the lines in all arenas is quite appealing!
The love of Mother Nature, dressing as
you wish, utterly thinking for yourself,
seeking life over existence, making do
rather than getting ahead, peace over war.

Obviously, this isn't all, nor even close
to all. And, each of these things belong
in other categories of thinking. Perhaps,
as we're now firmly in the 2020s, we
could each strive to write and live our
own philosophies. 

thinking for myself
lets talk love and energies
still so much to learn


I awaken to Monday, a day full of lists;
mandates, errands . . . and like it or not,

I would have to confess, I've always had
issues with Mondays. 'Tis the day that
automatically follows weekend fun. It's
a day full of expectations and demands.
It's a day not to be messed with!

I pray I have the strength to get on with
these Monday demands. The answer may
be in little by little. Make the list in order
and simply do each errand as it comes up
on the list!

Me thinks Johnny cash got it wrong when
he sang, Sunday morning coming down!
He really meant Monday, not Sunday!

gotta bite bullets
gonna make my list check twice
courage for a price

Jul 18, 2021


I so love countdown days . . .
Only six more days and as always
much to do.

I find I quite enjoy the prep work
involved each year prior to my guy's
b-day. He too, is involved in the
readying . . . although I do hear the
odd expletive from time to time.

Me thinks I'm fairly clever in that
I only use dif size brooms, a scraper,
a dust pan, trash bags. Whereas, my
man uses proper tools that break and
or break down. So, I actually get the 
odd curse or two.

Once we finished our tasks for the day,
we thought about sitting outside for                           
a while. Alas, I was too exhausted. I 
feared I'd probably fall asleep in the 

I may be sneaking off to bed at 6:30 
rather than the usual 8:30. God, this
aging thing has a great deal to answer

Hope I have some energy left to party!

all work and no play
finally time to party
might be too tired

Jul 17, 2021


I assigned myself today's task . . .
I'm supposed to clean the patio; me
thinks I'll just go back to bed now!

Just kidding; I'll rise to the occasion
one way or another. Still, lazing about
is part of what retirement's all about.

I enjoy spending my days reading, 
watching my fave murder mysteries,
sitting out by the pond, making some
margs, eating fun snacks, taking a 
short walk (emphasis on short!).

Love it when a friend drops by or
when we get it in our heads to hit
a local cafe. It matters to me that 
we make an effort to live rather
than simply exist.

Summer days, here we come . . .
going to enjoy the hell out of every
single one. So need to store up a
lot of summer in order to cope with

lets outside awhile 
so loving me some summer
what lifes all about

Jul 16, 2021


I've heard tell that as we get older,
we tend to repeat things; I'll repeat! 
So fun to get away, yet surprisingly
good to return home! Judy Garland
said it all . . . "There's no place like

We had such a great rest and relax
that we're looking forward to going
back. Only this time, we're taking
in the town! Alas, I find that I'm
in love with small town antique
stores, large town 2nd hand stores
and any size town pubs. Note pubs,
not bars.

The ambiance you find in these odd
places is priceless. As far as I'm
concerned, I just need an every month
or two fix! One of the things about
Colorado's small towns is you can
still find a bit of the old gold rush
spirit. And of course, there's a price
to pay . . . but worth every cent!
(Note, I said 'cent' not dollar!!!)

Alas, the return home clean up awaits.
Until the next time!

not been there before
needs me a small town pub fix
can we go again


Me thinks we haven't caught up with
Mama Nature's weather caprices just
yet. I really have no issue; she's got 
a lot to be angry about and if a three
rain abates her rage a tad, so be it.
Rain or no rain, there really is no
beauty that compares to that of the
Rocky Mountains. Long drive, but
my soul feels sated in wonder.

We're thinking to get set up, have a
brewski or two with the neighbors
and head into town for a look-see.
That is . . . if the rain storm abates.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch, it's
both beautiful and peaceful here,
I'm happy as a clam just as is . . .
(Hey, how you enjoying all those
truisms here?!)

God, this is the least anxiety ridden
I've felt in months! May I abide a

love me my travels
things happen for a reason
cant pry me away

Jul 13, 2021


I find myself flirting with the word
anticipation! Just think about it! 
Prior to any plan, any endeavor, any 
scheme, comes this enticing word.

I like the entire concept . . . An 
idea comes to mind, a plan starts
to formulate. The brain begins to
work on turning the idea into a
reality, and anticipation is born!

I love the physical feel of it! You
make those lists, both mentally 
and in reality. You begin setting 
aside things needed for whatever 
plan you're hatching. And as your 
small pile comes to fruition, your
anticipation dances gleefully all
over kingdom come . . .

Anticipation is a gift! Looking
forward to each day to see what
will occur, making things happen,
truly knowing how fabulous it is
to be alive, anticipation is birthed.

Today, I am just giddy with 
anticipation. I know it will bring 
new experiences; sites, scenes, 
smells, sounds . . . all new!

must i wait a bit longer
lifes gifts to reveal


Sooooo love being an olde dame, now
retired.  Of course, there are things that
are now more difficult, but others better.

I enjoy waking up in the early hours and
thinking about my upcoming day. What
can I get myself up to? Is there a bit of
fun to go along with the naughty? Alas,
I have to convince my guy as he drives 
and I don't. Still . . .

As soon as it's light of day, I check on 
the prior evening's mail, pay the odd bill, 
wash yesterday's dishes and then hit my
guy up with whatever ideas I can come 
up with for the day's excitement.

Sometimes, I get a bit of weeding in. 
Other's, it's just sit outside by my tiny, 
tiny pond with a cuppa or glass of some-
thing fun. My fave is when we have to
get a few groceries, so we treat ourselves
to a meal out. We only do so about three
times a month, but it's fun nonetheless.

One thing I've learned is that fun needs
be neither expensive, nor elaborate. I
find I'm quite tickled with the simple.
Now as I glance down, figure I could 
do with a tad less wrinkled skin!

fun by any other name
simple might be best

Jul 12, 2021


"Here's to the wild, the weird and the 

To the tribe of troublemakers that think 
so far outside the box, they dream on the 
edges of the infinite.

Here's to the brightly colored, divine 
visionaries that won't stand down, play 
small or sit out. Here's to the awakened
ones whose purpose is to feed their
soul and not starve it.

Here's to the wild ones. Here's to you."

Speaking of which . . . I've been ever so 
fortunate to have friends that dance the
weird! They make life interesting and
worth living.

One of mine bikes and hikes every week
end and free day available. I have one 
who teaches skiing all season. There's 
a pal of mine who puts together x-mas
booklets and readies them for the season.
A childhood friend crochets Christmas
ornaments. Wow!

I'm so fortunate to know women who
enjoy getting together to talk, share their
wisdom, ask for guidance and give sound
advice! I just love knowing people who 
color outside the lines. They are the best,
the absolute best!

heres to fab women
coloring outside the lines
think outside the box

If you're being called weird, strange, crazy
or witchy...take it as the best compliment
ever. It means you are brave enough to step
up and show the world who you really are.
~Jasmine L, CrystalLoversTribe

Jul 11, 2021


Love that I've lived long enough to
become comfortable with my own

I do know when you're that odd kid
in grade school and everyone knows
you're weird before you do, can be
rather startling. That would have 
been moi!

Funny, if not downright amazing, 
how you grow into your own weird
and acceptance thereof. I always
supposed mine came from having
a special brother that I translated
for 11 years and counting. But, I
get it now. I was born that way!

As an adult, I find that I gravitate
towards people; strange, unusual, 
different, odd, challenging, bright
and self thinkers. Don't do so well
with the cookie cutter types.

I've come to realize that the older
we get, we become more so of 
our very selves. Grew up all the
above definitions, but have evolved
into an eccentricity that startles
even me from time to time.

I love it . . . rather wish I had ever
and always been comfortable with
it. Hope I'm gifted a few more years
to bask in the odd!!!

gods greatest gift to mankind
bring it on rejoice

Jul 10, 2021


Me thinks I'm a lifeaholoic. Anything
good or great is better in the more

You do know that if the homemade
ice cream is delectable, you need at 
least three servings to make certain
of the veracity of this statement.

Sooooo love me some pizza, just
once in a while. If it's perfect, just
the way I like it, with three measures
of sauce . . . I eat the whole thing!

'Twould be a good idea to never let
me into an antique store. Talk about
an alluring temptation! It's all so odd,
interesting, different, strange, unusual.
Thank God, I can only afford a couple
of pieces.

And, let's not even get started on 

my mind shouts stop it
not enough of a good thing
my mouth says yummy

So, this is me . . . fat, broke and still
enjoying the hell out of everything!

     Old is GOOD!
     Antique is BETTER!!
     Archaic is BEST!!!

Now, if that's me, what about food?!
Might be an idea to . . . 

Jul 9, 2021


July is birthday special for me. My
dad, my brother and my guy all born
this month.

I remember daddy, love of my life,
throwing a birthday bash for family
and friends when he turned 70. He
did a fab wine tasting, phenomenal 
vintner that he was. He raised five
five kinds of grapes and made wines
from each. His wine was valued at
$30.00 a bottle here in Denver.

Then two years later, he was gone.
I remember the party . . . my dad,
his family, his tribe . . . and it never
occurred to me that he would be
absent in a mere two years. As I'm
71, I'm frightened to to turn 72 in
a couple of months.

My only brother Sammy, blind and 
special, lived to be 24. I have an
altar in his honor and try to spend 
a few moments there each day. He
was amazing and I'm grateful he's
at peace.

My guy, still strong of body, tall
and straight at 6' 2", long of stride,
still cutting a dashing picture in
my mind. He likes to celebrate his
b-day with our families, live music,
a bar-b-q and homemade ice cream.
The man does know how to party.

So, here's July with it's joys and
sorrows and me making an effort
to recall the good rather than the

     Let's July! 
     Let's happy!! 
     Let's party!!!

Jul 8, 2021


What is it about treasures?! Those
things so precious to our very souls
that we simply can not let go.

I found my own achilles heel, several
times over, when moving from my
residence to this tiny, tiny 130 year
old cabin.

Realizing that I would need to reduce
my many years of treasure collecting,
I set about sharing them as I would
have done upon my death. I would add
that sharing in life rather than sharing
in death, is much more satisfying.

Every now and again, I run into one 
of my treasures at a friend's home. I
recognize that I miss said pieces, but
I also find joy that they are with those
I love.

I find it interesting that the treasures
I chose to keep are not necessarily my
faves. I chose family heirlooms, things
that would look appropriate in the cabin.

Funnily enough, I find I value my
remaining treasures even more. Must
be that pesky law of diminishing

keep my treasures safe
love me my bits and pieces
taking them with me

Jul 7, 2021


Been thinking about a 'round the world
cruise. Bet it would be fun! Or perhaps
a fly in to Peru and surroundings . . .
Never been to Alaska either. A girlfriend
of mine who lived there 30 years, makes
it sound so enticing. Too bad about the
money, or should I say, the lack thereof!

I think it's important, with or without
shekels, that we suss out those special
little things that enhance our lives. For
me, it's always been picnics; such fun!
Not to forget, a bit of a drive in the
mountains. Shame about the current
cost of gas, but there's that picnic idea 

At the end of the month, when we can't 
afford a full meal out, we like to go into 
the restaurant and share one dessert 'twixt
the two of us. Luckily, the owner gets a
kick out of our weird and doesn't even
question it.

Make a short visit to a friend with a jug
of lemonade in hand. Maybe they'll have
cookies to go with. Bottom line, fun that
a visit to Italy would be, let's not forget
that little things in life have their place.

needs me mini vays 
lemons or lemonade which
lets picnic instead

Jul 6, 2021


I find I'm rather excited this morning!
We're taking a picnic to an old friend;
I can hardly wait!

For starters, there's nothing like a picnic
to begin with! There's a romance in the 
basket simply waiting to be tapped! I
love carrying in the basket, my guy
handling the wine . . . it's all waiting 
happen. There's a kind of magic in that.

We'll find a place to set up. I think this
particular one will be indoors; not sure.
Then comes the unveiling. What do we
have here?! Some of these little boxes
must contain salads of a different note.
Munchies, of course. Dips? And I'm 
thinking, there must be different kinds 
of desserts.  It's all waiting to happen. 

Me thinks life is a tad like a picnic. 
There's the prep work, the experiencing,
the joy in unexpected finds and ever 
and always, the sharing. Bears some
thinking about if I'm not mistaken.

Do think on it. Have a picnic today.
Life with a picnic basket on its arm
is all the better for it.

tote in the basket
all kinds of lovely await
lets have a look see

Jul 5, 2021


I will ever and always get a kick out of the
lure of the open road and that demanding
lust to return home.

So love our getaways, particularly when
it pertains to seeing our children. Still . . .
there comes a time to go and catch up with
all that has happened there and a time to
return for the same reason.

Having arrived a couple of days prior to
the 4th, I enjoyed the anticipation, the
build up . . . friends arriving, food to be
prepared and shared, water balloon fights,
spiked lemonade and finally, the arrival of
night so we could enjoy those fireworks.

The city was doing their display to one
side of us and the neighbors on the other.
I won't confess here, but let me say good
things were happening somewhere 'twixt
and 'tween! I loved hearing children's 
squeals, the adults' anticipation . . . and
then there's moi, having to run and hide
when the noise got too loud. 

I want to remember, remember that far
distant past when those who thought they
were in the right, fought for this land. I
want to remember the growing up years
and the 4ths spent with family now long
gone. I want to remember the joy in our
children, those of then and these of now,
as they much thrill in both the day and
its anticipation.

We must never, ever forget the price
paid by one and all for this that we call
home . . .

oh give me a home
where oh where and at what price
sorrow loss and gain

Jul 4, 2021

07/04/2021 - Grandma Elsie

What is it about the 4th of July weekend that
brings my paternal gran to mind? Must have 
something to do with the fact that she used
to host.

I remember the excitement knowing we were
going to her place to make homemade ice
cream. In those days, it was crank by hand. 
So as kids, we were first in line for our little
cranks as we simply didn't have the strength 
needed for the latter part.

Once the cranking became impossible, it
would be left to set up in it's cavern of ice!
God, I don't think waiting for anything else
in my life has been so hard. I can remember 
my brother and me prancing around with 
anticipation and joy.

Once gran pulled out the blade and put it on
a plate, we were allowed to spoon off the
excess ice cream whilst the grownups served 
up the bowls. Know this! As a child I knew 
the meaning of ambrosia long before  I ever 
started using the term. There is naught in this 
world like her homemade ice cream!

Having her own cows and using a separator,
she could literally cut the cream with a spatula.
Take that and just think what kind of ice cream
it would make!

Today as we plug in the crank, I will silently
raise toast and a memory . . . God, I miss her!
Ice cream in hand . . . or not!!!

today is the day
the fourth and homemade ice cream
making memories

Jul 3, 2021

07/03/2021 - Grandma Mary

What can one say about a highly intelligent
woman, a professional, one who might even
have acquired a bit of wisdom over the years
in her life . . . and she likes to read f---ing
murder mysteries?! ~!@#$%^&*()_+

I'm reminded of my gran; she liked to read
Harlequin romances. She'd buy one at a time,
read until sleepy, hide the book . . . and upon
finishing it, burn it in the wood stove.

One time, I found a box of them at a garage
sale. Tickled me! I wouldn't have been caught
dead reading one, but my gran loved them.
So, I take them to her and she's overwhelmed.
She sits there, quiet and pondering, and I'm
thinking, "What the hell?!"

Finally, she says she has a plan. Says she'll
hide them under her bed, read them one at a
time and burn them per usual. Then she tells
me she wants me to make a solemn promise.
Upon her death, I am to surreptitiously get
the box out from under her bed and get rid
of it without the family ever seeing it . . .
to say nothing of her church ladies.

I'm on the verge of cracking up, going into
hysterics, rolling on the floor, when I see
she's dead serious. Bless her heart! I swear,
I could have wept.

So love the old gal; she will ever and always
be in my heart. And, when I get caught up
in one of my murder mysteries, I lay it out
in plain sight in hopes my gran will get a
chuckle out of it! No need to burn them 
when I die . . . just pass them onto my girl.
Surely, if I've been a good mom, she'll read
them and think of me!

wheres my mysteries
needs me good reads now and then
no burning required

Jul 2, 2021


Me thinks my ole gran is having a chuckle
as she watches me trying her old aluminum
percolator on for size.  I mean really?! When 
one is camping, it just doesn't seem right to 
be drinking coffee out of little designer jars!

So, which coffee to use? How long should
it perk? How do you keep the coffee from
being riddled with grounds? Or . . . do 
you just grin and bear it?!  

I have this obscure memory . . . Finished
perking, gran would let the pot sit for a 
a few seconds, and then lift out the pot's
innards. Her cup at the ready, she'd add
one piece of ice to the boiling coffee and
all the grounds would sink to the bottom. 
Now, there's a phenomenon that not even 
God can explain!

Gran lived a sweet, simple life . . . not
much money involved. So, she drank
plain old Folgers. Nothing wrong with
that! It's just that in this day and age, we
all seem to be addicted to our designer
coffees. Having said that, I have never
ever tasted better coffee than hers!

Was it the coffee? The old percolator? 
Gran's tiny, rustic kitchen? Or, was it
Gran herself?! Bottom line, coffee of
its equal is nowhere to be found. God,
I miss her . . .

. . . and her coffee notwithstanding!

having me a brew
come on in for a cuppa
makes the day go right