Nov 2, 2019

10/31/19 - Halloween

It has arrived . . . the actual day on
which I was to have been born. My
parents met just after WWII ended
and my father was released from his
unit. That infamous day occurred in
a movie theater where both arrived
to watch a Halloween flick on October
31st. They became engaged a year
later on October 31st. and married
the following year on October 31st.
I was to have been born . . . you
guessed it . . . on October 31st. the
next year. Of course, 'Miss never late
to anything' came a couple of weeks
early, damn it! Hence began the
wonderful nonsense of celebrating
the entire month of October . . . all
because I was born on the wrong
day! So . . . Happy Halloween!
Happy Samhain!! Happy supposed
to be birthday to me!!! God, I so love

hate to see you go
just began to celebrate
so long october

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