Nov 21, 2019


'Tis exactly a week away . . . this day
in which we gather with family, share
tales out of school, eat copious amounts
of deliciousness and are reminded to be
thankful for our blessings. Per always,
I like to spend time ahead of the day,
pondering meaning, remembering whos,
whys, and wherefores. Make no mistake,
I much enjoy the gatherings, the food,
the goblets of delightful contents, but
the bottom line is family, isn't it?! I find
I cherish them in a special way that day.
I see those missing and wish they were
there. Memories of those long gone visit
my soul and I yearn for them. Oh yes, I
will most definitely be thinking of those
much loved and the blessings they have
brought to my table, my life.

grateful beyond words
memories of yesteryear
pray partake with me

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