Nov 29, 2019


I can recall Thanksgivings at my grandmothers.
I can remember Thanksgivings with my parents.
And of course, the years and years that I prepped,
cooked and hosted myself. But yesterday, watching
the children working in the kitchen, in harmony, in
sync . . . pure magical ambrosia!

#1 son recreated a traditional familial fruit salad,
some of the best dressing I have ever had and an
absolutely delish gravy. And, I thought I knew how
to cook string beans; obviously not! I hated to share!

#1 daughter, according to her family fans, baked the
best turkey ever! and pie to die for. She slipped me
a piece of delectable delight that felt straight out of
French cuisine; amazing baker this woman!

#1 girlfriend created (I use the word on purpose) two
kinds of mashed potatoes. I may as well confess right
now that I had thirds! She talked about her grandma's
trick of pre-soaking the potatoes in a light sugar water
prior to boiling. Who knew?!

Sitting together, enjoying the feast and ever in awe at
these amazing children, I give thanks that they share
bits and pieces of their lives with us. I am W O W E D!

deep blue clear night skies
miss new moon sir evening star
gifts for the way home

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