Nov 18, 2019


I'm upset and not sure just who to
growl at! My order from Amazon was
taken from my front door. The walk
way trails up to it away from the road
and my property is fenced, so it's a bit
hard to envision someone stealing it.
Nonetheless . . .
I've obviously heard of the new game
in town where persons run in and take
packages off porches. But, it was never
going to happen to me! I live too far
away. My cabin is so tiny that even
the mice hesitate to visit. There are
no signs of wealth to attract a thief. Oh
well, it's finally happened to me and I
have no idea of recourse. The site I
ordered from doesn't have a 'contact
seller' logo. The whole thing is just
too sad. I find myself disappointed in
losing the package, but much more so
in losing faith in humanity.

so glad to be home
nooooo someones been a 'thievin
feeling invaded

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