Nov 28, 2019

11/28/19 . . . Thanksgiving

I find myself caught 'twixt and 'tween
a grin and a giggle; 'tis nothing short
of a TG smorgasbord. First, we planned
on a travel trailer trip to Utah with fam.
Then my guy got the angst; he really
wanted to spend it with the kids. I got
it; even had similar feelings. Still, I hope
we get to make said trip at some point
as I had a longing for it. We decided to
divide and conquer; he'd go to his and
I'd go to mine. But then, travel plans
got shot down due to weather. Our
latest attempt at familial celebration is
for both of us to join his family, idea
which I love, but the weather scares me
to death. We have roughly 18" plus snow
to shovel and so far, we can't get out the
front door. Guess we'll see what happens;
but that giggle may turn into a snicker if
I'm not careful; forget snicker, hysterics is
more like it. Happy TG guys; save drives;
be thankful . . .

okay surprise me
a day most unusual
hey go with the flow

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