Nov 5, 2019


November always invokes in me
a pondering of those things for
which I am thankful. Of course,
I understand that the Thanksgiving
celebration brings this about. Still,
we would all do well to acquiesce
to such a positive endeavor. It's
hard to believe, much less accept,
that I've been granted 70 years of
life. I am utterly blown away by my
most amazing children; God's gift!!!
I love my sweet little 120 year old
cabin, even with all its foibles. My
lover is an amazing man. I do not
believe there is anything that he
cannot do and/or invent. I've been
gifted the most glorious friends in
kingdom come. I intend to live so
many more years, but were I called
home tonight, know that I would go
happy! Happier! HAPPIEST!!!

bathed in gratitude
song of solomon awaits
tis heaven on earth

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