Sep 30, 2019


Today's the day! 'Tis the day
I begin to live in the now as I
promised myself. Funny how
today has 24 hours. Here I am
thinking that at 11:00, we travel
to see my niece; alas, I haven't
seen her in several years. So,
as it's 9:00 and I look forward
to seeing her at 1:00, does this
mean I'm not living in the now?
How far does this whole business
of living in the present go? You
hear the expression, "living in the
moment". How literal is that?
I need to have a look-see at how
far to take this business. As I tend
to take things to extremes, this is
going to take some serious thought.
What a difference a day makes!

living in the now
or living in the moment
have i lost all time

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