Sep 3, 2019


Back on the road again . . . Willy and me!
We've traveled into the flatlands . . . an
entirely different world from the mountains
we're used to. They have their own beauty;
whereas the mountains are majestic, the
flatlands have a mystery all their own. The
winds blow, awakening those eerie feelings
of shivers down the spine. We've already
collected and washed a bag of interesting
stones . . . not something I had anticipated
doing. Standing in one spot, slowly turning
and turning, flatlands, waving grasses and
blue, blue sky as far as the eye can see. I
feel ever so small and inconsequential. 'Tis
enlightening and thrilling all at the same
time. Today, as some of the clan ride, I
think I'll indulge in a tad of red and bask
in the wonder of it all.

tis timeless beauty
as far as the eye can see
tears steal down my cheeks

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