Sep 19, 2019


I find myself reminiscing of all things
maternal; my mother, me as mother
to my children, my own daughter
mothering her sons . . . I awoke from
slumber with these thoughts niggling
at my brain. I obviously wondered why
and then it occurred to me . . . it had
to be because I had just visited my
mother's home of yesteryear. What
an amazing woman she was too. Born
in a tiny burg and educated there, she
nonetheless left home at 18 to go to
college in the big city. 'Twas WWII era
and a boarding room to be found. No
question of a car, had to walk to and
from the college every day as well as
working every available hour at the
local five and dime. Did I say amazing?
I recognize that I've had some struggles
in my own life, but I look at my mother,
a childhood of poverty, her insistence
of an education at any cost . . . and yet,
none of this compares to her enormously
difficult adulthood. I find I am humbled
and truly grateful for the sacrifices she
made for our family. Wow! What a woman!

been thinking of late
hats off to moms everywhere
mine is first in line

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