Oct 1, 2019


I thought October would never arrive . . .
'Tis here in all its glory . . . backgrounded
in those magnificent fall colors . . . with the
anticipation of a phenomenal Samhain . . .
and best of all, finally reaching that much
longed for milestone of 70 amazing years
of life. Truism that it might be, it all goes
by so quickly. 'Twas only yesterday, I was
a child helping to care for my little bro. It
was only a few minutes later, I was courting,
marrying and birthing my children. Just
a moment has passed since I entered my
crone years, found a love that actually
'got me', allowed me to BE and took me
to a 120 year old cabin where I could walk
'mongst the spirits of yore. I celebrate . . .
L I F E !!!

long awaited for
days go by year after year
finally arrived . . .

 . . . in quest of 70

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