Sep 27, 2019


Have you ever been hungry? So hungry
you don't even know exactly for what?
I find I'm ravenous of late. I search my
mind, hoping for a clue of what might
satisfy, suffice . . . a sunset at the beach,
a quiet walk in the woods, a sit down at
the canyon's edge, a long, intense talk
with my dearest friend. I'm terrified I'll
starve to death; the ache in my gut tells
me the deprivation is killing my soul. I
sit beside the deathbed, watching the
last hours of my famished heart, wishing
I'd had the courage to make different
choices at the gourmet banquet of life.
Alas, I die empty . . .

choices surround me
so longing to be sated
tis courage i lack

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