Sep 17, 2019


Let's hear it for silence . . . now there's
an oxymoron if I've ever heard one!
Like it or not, we live in an era of . . .
"We need to communicate more. Let's
talk it out. What I really meant was . . . "
Perhaps, we need to hark back to that
time honored truth, "Silence is golden!"
Clearly, there is absolutely naught wrong
with talking, with stating, with making an
all out effort to understand one another.
But in thinking about it, perhaps that's
overdone. What would be wrong with
listening more than talking? Is there no
virtue left in the quiet? And/or, have we
mistaken chatter for real communication?
I've said before, "I'm the most unbalanced
libra I've ever know." Still, I suspect this
is all about balance. If we find ourselves
incapable of quieting down, perhaps we
could still make a stab at listening more
than blathering on and on.

hearing speaking listening
all part of the whole

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