Sep 13, 2019

​09/13/19, Friday the 13th . . .

 . . . has finally arrived. My kind have
long awaited its arrival since we last
enjoyed this phenomenon in October
of 2000. In this new millennia, we have
already experienced many special dates
from the monthly joys of the new and full
moons, to the vast sorrows of Nine Eleven,
to the true Coming of Womanhood as we
are appreciating it today. For eons, it seems
that Friday the 13th has resonated in the
minds of the people as a time of bad luck,
and with that mindset, I imagine it is.
Nonetheless, the number thirteen is nothing
shy of pure magick. 'Tis a date in which to
buy that special lotto ticket, ask that lovely
goddess out on a first date, enjoy all those
devious machinations the Universe has in
store for us. Fear not! Simply bask in the
surprise party that awaits us . . . for 'tis a
long, long wait until the next Friday the
13th in 2049! And, If I live to be a hundred,
I'll be there!

has been a long wait
gather ye all magicians
lets party hearty

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