Sep 15, 2019


In reading Buddhist quotes of late,
I was particularly struck by this one:

"Be where you are; otherwise
you will miss your life." ~Buddha

Pondering this sentiment, it occurs
to me that I tend to live from holiday
to holiday, from special occasion to
special occasion. I'm not truly present
on an ordinary day, I'm simply getting
ready for the next celebration. There
is food to be prepped, rooms to be
cleaned, invites to put together, etc.
Heaven forbid I should simply enjoy
the sun rise on a given day, pay
attention to that special phone call or
thrill over the pages of my book of
choice. It's all about what's happening
on the morrow. Obviously, I'm not a
Buddhist, but I would like to learn to
living in the now before having to learn
to live in Never, Never Land. I would
like to learn to enjoy those precious
moments in present time. I pray I
learn how before it's too late. Well,
I must away . . . have to sweep
before the gals arrive this morning . . .

forgetting to live
tis feeling hopeless i am
must learn to enjoy

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