Jun 28, 2019


I visited with my cousin last night. Her coming
was all about prepping an art exhibit. We helped
her, along with her son-in-law Len. She staged
an 1800's ladies' bath. There were stunning cloth
drapings of gold brocade, porcelain pots of fresh
flowers, thick Indian carpets, a myriad of flickering
candles everywhere . . . the actual bath, teaming
with steam, floating upwards as if from Aladdin's
lamp. Once completed, we were caught somewhere
'twixt exhaustion and amazement; we barely had time
to dress. As the visitors came, one woman in particular
caught my eye. She was nigh onto weeping she was
so taken with the scene. She kept saying, over and
over, "I want to be there, stay there, live there." I
knew exactly what she meant . . . sooooo missing
you, Cherri . . .

of visits and dreams
may i join you sweet sister
so wish to live there

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