Jun 10, 2019


Fair warning: RANT AHEAD . . . revisited?
What's in a name? I have been called by
many names, titles, terms of endearment
in my lifetime . . . to say nothing of the
putdowns from time to time . . . Linda-Dale,
ld, mother, mom, mamá, daughter, sister,
lover, wife, friend, 'teach', hey you . . .
to name a few . . . and I won't even mention
the bad names! I'm just a woman, no one
particularly special except perhaps to those
who love me. Yet, there are many who insist
there is only one deity; some even believe,
only one name. I remind myself that we all
take our personal beliefs on faith; perhaps
the name or names lie along the same path.

so whats in a name
you say god i say goddess
you call they answer

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