Jun 3, 2019


I'm so elated, I'm walking on air! How
often does that happen?! Today marks
the occasion of my last car payment!
It might not have been such a big deal
when I was teaching and drawing a pay
check, but being retired and living on
a half pension, (My years of teaching in
Mexico don't count in the US.) this will
seem like I just won the lotto! For one
thing, less worry about coming up with
the car payment each month, for another,
it ups our income enough that we could
probably travel to the Riviera . . . I mean
Utah or even Arizona! Such a great feeling!
And there's this incredible bottle of wine
from my consuegros I've been saving for
a special occasion. I can picture it now . . .
the two of us by the fire, sipping ever so
slowly, so as to enjoy thoroughly that unique
bouquet of a wine that for once didn't cost
$10.00 a bottle! Salud!

some dreams do come true
im my fairy godmother
making it happen

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