Jun 5, 2019


I constantly refer to this milestone . . .
turning 70. I actually believe it is a
mile stone, but also, I imagine this
prepares me for reaching this upper
echelon which I never expected.
I have found the age-related changes
in my life to be both interesting and
educational. From an architect designed
home in the mountains to a tiny 120
year old cabin in the off skirts of town,
from 136 to 196 lbs, from 650 x-mas
cards a year to about 50, from teaching
day school, night school, summer school
to teaching classes in Paganism, from
reading a book a day to perusing the
damn internet for several hours a day.
One could go on and on . . . but the
point is made. From that tiny cavity in
the womb, to a full life of education, job,
family, friends, travel . . . and back again
to small, smaller, smallest world. What a
strange and amazing thing life is! Me thinks
I need to have a proper look-see and make
some educated decisions. Live rather than
exist, if you will.

to live or exist
some decisions to be made
perhaps too much work

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